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Russia delivers on promise to hunt down and destroy Metro terrorists.

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"Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said there had been no option but to kill the "terrorists".


"Those who put up resistance have to be eliminated - you cannot show pity," the Russian leader was reported as saying at a meeting with Mr Bortnikov."




Russia fulfils their promise to find and destroy those responsible for the terrorist attack on the Moscow Metro. Yeeeeeeessssss!!!! Now that's a successful and unashamed outcome! hard to imagine the lilly livered politicians in this country even suggesting such a thing in the first place yet alone following through, more likely we would have had them on trial and found them innocent on a technicality then paid them compensation to last them till their international book deal, lecture tour and film rights give them a world wide audience of gullible idiots feeling sorry for the poor innocent victims of false arrest. Not that the Brits released from Gitmo did just that, I mean they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, with weapons cashes and a history of finacial and travel links to terrorism, not suspicious at all. blowup.gif

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