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Mitsubishi F1M "Pete"

I needed a Pete for a scenario I'm running, there didn't seem to be one available, so here is The A-Team Ar-95 re-done as the Mitsubishi F1M "Pete". You'll need the original LOD from the Ar-95 package, I'm sure you've done the install dance with lots of aircraft before, I won't repeat it here.


Credits as in the orginal readme (enclosed, thanks A-Team), with the following exceptions:


Skin by me, based on the original by Pappychksix

Loading & Hangar screens by me.


This was done quickly as I needed it right away, shouldn't be any issues. If they're are, it's only supposed to be a target but the original is fully flyable, so this will be too (complete with original German cockpit).




6 June 2010


As freeware you can use this mod however you wish.


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