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Axis Fighters

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Axis Fighters of WWII

39 files

  1. Fi156Storch02.zip

    Fi 156 C-5/Trop Storch SF1/WOV/WOE 06 Patch level installs.
    To install: UnZip and drop the Fi156_C-5T folder into the Aircraft folder.
    Watch it Fly
    Mod Info:
    This mod is intended for WWII install’s as a FAC AI aircraft, there is a very basic (nonworking) Cockpit included for testing only.
    The External fuel tank is part of the model and cannot be droped.
    The Door and window do not open.
    Tailgunner is not included.
    Decals: Nation Only
    The NationName “Axis Germany “and the “absence” of the traditional tail emblem with the model is intentional. End users can change these two items to suit there Install.
    For the Landinglight to function the Tailgear is set to "Retractable=TRUE" with no movement.
    Tested with WOE 06 patch only.
    Change log:
    Corrected: Fuel capacity’s
    Corrected Statment: SystemName[003]=RightSlat
    Corrected Fuel consumption: BSFC=0.00280
    TW: FM (modded by me).
    AC 3D Model, Cockpit and Textures: Myself
    Landing Light Info: Wrench
    This Mod is Freeware and not to be sold!
    Note: Anyone who wishes to update the FM or convert this mod for SF2 and re-upload it may do so.


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  2. P-39 'Airacobra', Soviet Air Force

    P-39 Airacobra, Soviet Air Force "Eastern Front"
    Somehow, for some reason, this bird never got released. That's fixed now, eh??
    A complete aircraft, 'nationailzed version', representing 16GIAP Airacobras of the Soviet Air Force on the Eastern Front.
    Includes many changes as seen on the P-400, including the 'newish' cockpit. The skin is heavily weathered, replicating the conditions on the Eastern Front.
    Weapons, pilot figure and sounds are not included, but you should have them already.
    Tested in SF2, but not fully compliant, FM wise. (as I have no 1stGen installs anymore).
    Should work passably well in 08 1stGens, and definately in 06 level SF/Wo*. As always, "caveat emptor".
    And, as alwasy, READ the enclosed 'To Install' instructions.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


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  3. Ki-44 Shoki (Tojo)

    The Ki-44 Shoki (Tojo) was built as a pure interceptor with emphasis being placed on airspeed and rate of climb rather than maneuverability.


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  4. He-162

    He-162 Salamander (or "Spatz" = Sparrow)


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  5. Mitsubishi F1M "Pete"

    I needed a Pete for a scenario I'm running, there didn't seem to be one available, so here is The A-Team Ar-95 re-done as the Mitsubishi F1M "Pete". You'll need the original LOD from the Ar-95 package, I'm sure you've done the install dance with lots of aircraft before, I won't repeat it here.
    Credits as in the orginal readme (enclosed, thanks A-Team), with the following exceptions:
    Skin by me, based on the original by Pappychksix
    Loading & Hangar screens by me.
    This was done quickly as I needed it right away, shouldn't be any issues. If they're are, it's only supposed to be a target but the original is fully flyable, so this will be too (complete with original German cockpit).
    6 June 2010
    As freeware you can use this mod however you wish.


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  6. Macchi-Castoldi MC.72

    Macchi-Castoldi MC.72 (SF-1 gen) by BANIDOS TEAM
    INI cockpit : ALIKO
    Skins: TORNO
    3D Model: SUICIDAL
    I want to thank my great friend
    MISOFTCIA . Thanks to your unconditional support and tutorials.
    To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
    Aircraft folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
    You should also repeat the same with the Sounds folder.

    -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
    future projects as long as proper credit is given..


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  7. Mitsubishi/Kawasaki Ki-109

    Mistubishi/Kawasaki Ki-109 "Mike" - A "What If.." aircraft for WW2 PTO Install

    For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE Patched to 06 Levels =ONLY=!!!

    This is one of those fun little mods, based upon little tid-bits of data one comes across while doing other research. This makes the assumption that the few Bf-109E's that the Japanese Army Air Force had looked at (and this IS true), before the outbreak of the Pacific War, had actually be accepted for production. Also, if one does the historical legwork, one can find several documented "sightings" by Allied pilots of an inline engined fighter, that many called 'a Japanese Messerschmitt'. Obviously, some of these turned out to be the Ki-61 "Tony" (and many were later discounted due to our own lack of intell), but Air Technical Intellegence Units in SoWesPac gave the unknown aircraft the nickname "Mike", which really WAS assigned to suspected IJAAF Bf-109s. (If you don't believe me, Google "Japanese Me-109", and get ready to be surprised...)
    This is a complete aircraft mod, with everything needed to simply unzip, install and fly. I have NOT included the 109 ltr drop tank, as it's included in the WW2 Weapons Pak, available here at CombatAce.
    This mod includes 2 complete skins, representing Ki-109s from the 11 Sentai, 4 Chutai (which actually did exist). These skins are:
    Standard overall green, circa late 1941/early 1942, with yellow ID bands
    Mottled/Spotted green over natural metal, for 1943 through 1945 (the end service year), also with yellow ID bands.
    The aircraft are depicted as if serving in the South West Pacific areas of the Netherlands East Indies, Malaysia, Southeast Asia (French Indo-China), and later as fighter protection for the Fleet anchorages and fuel depots at Brunei.
    As historically, 11 Sentai did NOT use any individual identification numbers on their Oscars and later Franks, I've followed this trend, with only the Chutai designator displayed on the vertical fin and rudder. Yes, the bright green color IS the correct one for this Chutai.
    A new WoE-style hangar screen (only available with this mod!!!!) is included. Also, the canopy has been switched from the old-style "auto-speed" control, to one of the animation keys. It's set for key 10 (ie: Shift/0), that'll open and close it. NO other changes have been made to the flight model other than switching over to IJA machine guns and cannon (7.7mm and 20mm). A damage tga is also included, for that shotup look.

    -= NOTE: You MUST have the WW2 Weapons Pak to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =-

    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested ONLY in 2006 Patch Levels SF/WoV/WoE. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft being used in the post 08 patch enviroments. It is NOT reccomended for use in WoI or SF/SFG/WoV/WoE in these post 08 patch game installs. It is also NOT reccomended for use in the SF2 'NextGen' series. If you insist on doing so, you do so at your own risk. No support is available from me for any issues you may experience. You have been warned/advised...
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  8. Ho-229V3A Pak

    Horton Ho-229V3a Flying Wing Upgrade Pak For SF/WoV/WoE: ETO & MTO "SWOTL" Style Installs

    -06 Patch Level Installs ONLY

    This is a semi-new aircraft, based off Pako's original Ho-229. I've created a 'production' variant, had the War In Europe lasted further into 1945/46. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all parts included. The new inis will reflect the 'full production' version, as this aircraft can be tasked with pretty much all mission profiles. 2 underwing (body?) pylons have been added via the Fake Pilot Method for bombs, drop tanks and the Kramer X-4 air-to-air missile. The weapons are NOT included; they can be found in my WW2 Weapons Pak, available at CombatAce. Other tweeks (borrowed from my post-war What If.. F-79 Manta) include the additon of running, formation and landing lights.
    Two new skins, from my upsized home-grown templates with all redrawn panel lines, and standard Luftwaffe stencling, are included. They are:
    JG-1 in Europe, done up in a 1945-ish RLM 70/81 over 78
    JG-27 in North Africa/Middle East, done in a 'mottle' finish of RLM 79/80 over 78 (the same as the Fw-190 skin I did some years back)
    1/JG-400, Pasko's original skin for Europe, with new individual aircraft numbers.
    So, in essence, you can create 2 new aircraft; one for your "SWTOL" ETO install and another for a MTO version. The 2 new skins are NOT designed to work together in an ETO only based install. See "Splitting Theatre Usage" in the Install Instructions below. Also, there is some "unique" behavior exhibited in the 06 patch level games, PLEASE read the "Flying the 229" section in the "Notes" below!!!
    Individual aircraft number decals for 32 aircraft are included for all, as they are different colors. Unfortunatly no Stab markings are included, although I DO have them as decals around here somewheres..... Just couldn't figure out HOW to do them properly for a Flying Wing!! The tail swastika is also NOT on the aircraft, which IS historically accurate, as there are NO vertical surfaces for it to be put on!
    My patent-pending artwork-style Hangar and Loading screens are also included, as are the damage tgas.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read it all the way through, so as to be familarized with the procedures, and whatever issues I've encountered.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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  9. AvHistory A6M5c Beta

    This is the A6M5c with AvHistory beta FM
    Any feedback should be directed here please http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/39.aspx
    Thanks to Gregoryp at AvHistory


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  10. Bf109 E-1 (New version without cannons with adjusted skins)

    Bf-109 E-1 SF/SFG/WoV/WoE (ideal for the Poland campaign) --for Games at 06 Patch Level -ONLY!!!-
    It includes skins used in Poland (and the templates, based on Russo's original ones) and killmarks up to 350.
    To make it easier to create new skins there are two 'blank' skins already included (green and splinter) and all skins are using a central decal folder with the numbers 1-20 in black, white, red and yellow.
    This is a mod of Russo's (new!) Bf-109 E-4, to make the Bf-109 E-1 of the early campaigns of WWII. The The only difference to later types is the armament, consisting of four 7.92mm MGs.
    The cockpit is Kesselbrut's Bf-109E pit, the damage tgas created by Wrench and the skins are mine.
    I really don't know who made the numbers in black and yellow, the white and red ones are just repaints of them by me... (If you made them, contact me. I will update this readme!)
    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY- at the 10/06 patch levels. It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, nor post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE. Nor has it been tested in SF2 or SF2:V. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. =
    NOTE to SF2 users-- you all know this better than I, so you should know what to do.
    Put the contents of Bf109 Killmarks folder into your \Objects\Aircraft folder.(If you haven't already installed my Bf109 killmarks)
    Put the contents of Pilot folder into your \Objects\Aircraft folder.(where all your pilot figures go)
    Put the contents of Sounds folder into your \Sounds folder.
    with thanks to Russo, and everyone else involved
    Readme format "borrowed" from Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    If you have any problems, questions, comments, I can be reached via CombatAce
    Have Fun!
    Legal BS:
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted as long as the original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it...otherwise I =WILL= find you and you will discover what's at the Lowest Level of Hell ...
    Bribes are accepted; ask for the day's going rates
    The Bf-109E-1 remains property of Messerschmitt AB; it's heirs/successors/stockholders or others from corporate take-overs, and of course, RussoUK


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  11. Bf109E-7 New Version

    RussoUK2004's latest version of his beautiful Bf109E, this time as a Tropical E-7 with the closed-over spinner and sand filter. Ideal for Western Desert installs!
    Includes two historical skins by Russo, pilot and sounds.


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  12. Bf109E-4 New Version

    RussoUK2004's latest version of his beautiful Bf109E, this time as a European theatre E-4 with the closed-over spinner. Ideal for Battle of Britain installs!
    Includes three historical skins by Russo, pilot and sounds.


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  13. Bf-109E-7 by RussoUK

    Bf-109 E-7 Trop for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WWII North Africa --for Games at 06 Patch Level -ONLY!!!-
    This is a mod of Russo's great Bf-109 E-3, to make the Bf-109 E-7 Trop as used in North Africa in WWII. The E-7 is a much more typical aircraft for WWII North Africa than other the earlier variants of the Bf-109E. The principal differences from the earlier variants were the ability to carry a bomb or drop tank under the fuselage, and a slightly more powerful engine.
    Russo made and released a LOD for the E-7 model, which has a bomb/drop tank cradle under the fuselage, but never released the completed mod. Here it is, FM changes and all, with two new skins, a new desert camo skin and a plain desert tan skin. The cockpit is especially for the Bf-109E by Kesselbrut, the skins by Charles. A new Revi 3 gunsight has been added by me, based on the one from the EAW PappaRomeo pak.
    Included are the original hangar and loading screens, as well as one of my 'boxart' types and a generic 'mto_109_loading.bmp. (that one actualy depicts Franz models, but is a VERY nice painting by Trudigan)
    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY- at the 10/06 patch levels. It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, nor post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE. Nor has it been tested in SF2 or SF2:V. You use it in these enviroments at YOUR own risk. =
    As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    with thanks to Russo for allowing me to upload!


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  14. N1K1 Kyofu "Rex" by Pasko

    Kawanishi N1K1 Kyofu "Rex"
    Full Aircraft Replacement Pak
    This is Pasko's N1K1 Rex, the complete package. As the link is broked at his site, and it's dosn't seem availalbe to the General Masses ™, I've chosen to upload the entire aircraft, WITH my Update Pak already installed.
    Please consider this as a REPLACEMENT and enchacement of the Pak I uploaded yesturday.
    As stated, this IS the complete aircraft, lods, skins, inis, and cockpit (which comes from AD's Zero). This will simplify matters releated to installing it.
    -= NOTE: You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =-
    - This mod has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "an odd way".
    As usual, read the enclosed 'readme' for (for once!!!) simple install instructions!! BTW, as this is the complete aircraft, there are 2 readmes -- Pasko's original and the one for my update pak, but you can disregard it
    With deep thanks to Pasko for creating this aircraft for us, and all those that worked on it!
    kevin stein


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  15. KI-61 family

    DATA,INI,LOADOUT for the KI-61 family (KI-61-Ia -Ib -IIa -IIb and mauser 20mm gun) and some bonus loading pictures and hangar
    a variant of
    Tony fighter. Developed for SFP1 by the SFP1 Dev A-Team of Capun (model), CB Productions (textures), Charles (FM and screens) and Kesselbrut (Virtual Cockpit) WRENCH (textures). Developed from Razer's source file
    you need the complete KI-61 aircraft from


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  16. Hawk 75A, Vichy French

    Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, Vichy French Armee De L'Air Package
    for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO Installs:
    This is a complete package including ALL parts necessary to unzip and install a new, export version of Wolf's P-36 Mohawk, as used by the Vichy French Air Force, after the Fall of France.
    A single skin with generic markings is included. Tail and Number decals are by Heck Mitchell, and borrowed from the AdA version. It 'represents' GCII/5, but should not be considered 100% historically accurate. The "Indian Head" squadon insignia decal is by me.
    A new Vichy Hawk 75 hangar screen is included, as are damage tgas.
    There is a new French 7.5mm machine gun, courtesy of Heck, and a 50kg bomb by me, so you'll be using BOTH the gun and weapons editor to add them. (note: both these weapons were included in the AdA Douglas DB-7 previously released).
    It is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 install based on WoI
    ---- Please note you MUST have the latest Weapons Pack (Bunyap Pak) for the WW2 weapons ----
    Finally got around to finishing it...
    PLEASE read the readme for detailed install instructions, and the General Notes and Noise
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  17. A6M2 Sen Baku

    A6M2 Sen Baku in the Battle of the Philippine Sea
    Ryan Toews from j-aircraft.com
    The fighter-bomber version of the A6M2 is probably the least documented Zero variant. This article is an attempt to shed some light on some of the distinguishing details of this plane.
    First, allow me to offer a few a words on the proper nomenclature. Most published sources call this Zero a “Bakusen”. However, in the last year Manabu Kawasaki wrote a new study entitled A New View of the Battle of Philippine Sea. This book points out that the official records term the Zero fighter-bomber the Sen Baku; this is also supported by the memories of a number of pilots. My thanks to Kenji Miyazaki for drawing this to my attention.
    The A6M2 Sen Baku was introduced in early 1944. The D3A Val carrier-borne dive-bomber was recognized as becoming increasingly inadequate for front line use and the replacement IJN dive-bomber, the D4Y Judy, needed a longer take-off roll than could be accommodated on the light carriers comprising part of the First Mobile Fleet. Accordingly, a number of A6M2s were modified to carry a 250 kg bomb by replacing the drop tank so as to fit a centre-line bomb rack. These modified Zeros lacked dive brakes and bomb-throwing racks and so were restricted to less effective shallower bomb approaches, but it was thought that the flight decks of the American carriers could be damaged enough to render them incapable of aerial operations.
    Concurrent with the introduction of the A6M2 Sen Baku was the rebuilding of the Japanese carrier force. Training for both the 601 Kokutai only began in February of 1944 and 652 Ku and 653 Ku began training a month later. Very likely then the Zero Sen Baku only began arriving from the factory sometime in the period from February to April.
    Mitsubishi had stopped producing the A6M2 in mid-1942, so it can be safely assumed that all of the A6M2 Sen Bakus were built by Nakajima. Gakken 33 gives Nakajima’s monthly production numbers for both the A6M2 and the A6M5. Production of the latter was well underway in March 1944 and it was in full production by April. Yet production of the A6M2 only shut down gradually, with 111 aircraft still being built in April and May 1944. It may very well be that this drawn out production of the A6M2 during the time the A6M5 was being turned out in strength was due to the need for additional Sen Baku variants of the Zero. As will be explained below, the Zero fighter-bombers were not a simple conversion and were much more likely to have been given their necessary modifications on the assembly line.
    The A6M2 Sen Baku also appears to have been the first Zero to make use of two wing drop-tanks. On page 82 of Aero Detail 7 is a small notation which states that a number of A6M5bs were modified to carry both a centre-line bomb load as well as wing tanks. This was done to maintain the same range performance as regularly equipped Zeros. A photo on pages 20-21 of the recently published Japanese Naval Air Force in Action shows several carrier-borne A6M2s equipped with wing mounted drop-tanks. (Image 1) The tail codes visible on several other aircraft in the foreground help identify the image as having been taken some time before the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Using the evidence from this photo, it can be argued that the bomb carrying A6M2s used during the Battle of the Philippine Sea were also equipped with wing drop-tanks. Further substantiation for this can be found in looking at the battle itself. The Japanese strategy was to use the advantage of their planes’ longer range to be able to attack before the Americans were within range themselves. And to maintain this longer range the A6M2 had to be able to use the additional fuel available in external drop-tanks.
    A6M2 Sen Baku Markings
    Information on markings for the Battle of the Philippine Sea Sen Bakus is likewise very sparse, being limited to only one such aircraft. The picture below is form the USMC collection at NARA. It is identified as being taken on Guam in July of 1944. According to Jim Lansdale a second photo in the same series appears to show the same plane in the background of the image with the code of “323“ visible on the tail (Image 12)
    It is assumed here that the “2” in the “247” part of the tail code identified the role of plane “47” as a bomber instead of a fighter, continuing a practice used previously by IJN carrier units. The tail code prefix of “323” serves to further identify the plane as belonging to the 3rd Carrier (Ryuho) of the 2nd Carrier Division. All of the aircraft of the 2nd Carrier Division were administratively assigned to the 652 Kokutai.
    According to Hata and Izawa as well as Tillman the 652 Ku launched either 25 or 26 of its full complement of 26 A6M2 fighter-bombers as part of the second Japanese air strike on the 19th of July. This force came in from the north and had minimal contact with American forces. In spite of this, 4 A6M2 fighter-bombers were lost. It seems safe to assume that any of these 4 planes might have crashed on Guam.
    From all of the above it may be possible to reconstruct the appearance of at least one of the rather elusive A6M2 Sen Baku that took such heavy losses in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Bearing the tail code of “323-247” it was equipped with two wing mounted drop tanks as well as a flush-mounted bomb rack to carry a 250 Kg bomb.
    Over the past months Dave Douglas has been allowing me to berate him with endless suggestions concerning his outstanding series of Zero profiles. He has been kind enough to take my contradictory notes and comments and create a profile of the Sen Baku which has been described above. (Image 13) Dave has also provided a drawing of the bomb rack used on the A6M2 Sen Baku. This illustration also provides a better look at the Type 99 #25 Model 1 Ordinary bomb and its markings. The bomb’s markings are of the earlier war pattern which were continued up to July 1944. (Image 14)
    A6M2 Sen Baku Package: for SF/WoV/WoE WW2, PTO installs
    This little modification creates a new aircraft based off ArmorDave's A6M5 "Zeke" IJN fighter and Wrench work. Included in this package are the skins, inis, and some various small and sundry bits. The aircraft LOD and cockpit folders are NOT included - you 'll be transfering them over from the stock A6M5. Therefore, it is NOT a complete aircraft package.
    = You MUST have the latest Weapons Pak installed for the WW2 Weapons!!! =
    Obviously, you must have AD's Zero's installed to use the package....
    Install instructions:
    Unzip, as I always reccomend, the "A6M2 Sen Baku.zip" to a temp folder somewhere that easy to find.
    Create a new folder, "A6M2 Sen Baku" in your game's main /Aircraft folder.
    Copy/paste all the new items; inis, skin folder, and the various and sundry bits I've supplied, into the new A6M5C folder.
    From the original A6M5, transfer over (copy/paste) the following items:
    A6M5.OUT (usefull for decaling)
    Cockpit folder -- the whole, entire folder :)
    Copy/paste the "LavEngine.wav" into your sounds folder, if you don't have it already. This is from Hinchbooke, and was (duh!) designed for the Soviet Laggs and the LA-9 and 11. It has a nice raspy radial sound.
    Hangar and Loading screens are included. They're my old one's for a way's back.
    That's pretty much it...go fly!
    ArmourDave for creating the Zero in the first place;
    Volksjager and Lansen for the original skins;
    MoonJumper for finding the PappaRomeo EAW sight pack;
    Hinchbrooke for the LavEngine sound;
    All the other WW2 Junkies out there;
    TK for creating the open sourced marvel for use to play with
    Famous Airplanes of the World #55: Mitsubishi A6M, Model 11-21
    Aero Detail #7: Mitsubishi A6M Zero Fighter
    Aircam #16: Mistubish A6M Vol.1
    Osprey Aircraft of the Aces #22: Imperial Japanese Navy Aces 1937-1945
    Kagero: 3/202 Kokutai
    Mushroom YS 3: Mitsubishi A6M Zero
    Profile #236: A6M5-A6M8
    Profile Aircraft #129: Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero-sen
    Squad/Signal #1059: A6M Zero In Action
    Any problems, questions, comments or other ideas can be directed to me on the CombatAce and SimHQ message boards.
    Legal BS:
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted as such if permission is granted by me, AD, and the original readme and all pieces of the package remain intact.
    The Mitsubishi A6M5 remains the intellectual property of ArmourDave (and Mitsubishi Aircraft, it's heirs and/or successors)
    See the original readme documentation for further allowances and restrictions
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications of the aircraft inis, skins, cockpit, etc, MUST obtain permission from the whole of the developers/moders.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition without permission of myself, ArmourDave, or anyone associated with it.
    Percentages of payment are -always- open for negotiation.


       (1 review)



  18. Japanese Aircraft Pack Addon by Armourdave

    Japanese Aircraft Pack for
    Strike Fighters : Project 1 by Armourdave
    build 27-11-2004
    Unzip the japanese_aircraft.zip to your \objects\aircraft folder
    Move the nations.ini to your \flight folder.
    Pack introduction & History
    The Mitsubishi A6M Zero-Sen legendary status mirrored the fortunes of the rising sun, in which four years, the sun would finally set. For the Japanese and its former enemies, the A6M was the symbol of Japanese air power. The A6M fighter marked the beginning of a new epoch in naval aviation and was the first shipboard fighter capable of surpassing land-based aircraft.1 With its tight turning radius, it was an extremely deadly weapon in a dogfight, and was famous for its ability to outmaneuver, Brewster F2A Buffaloes, Curtiss P-40s and Grumman F4F Wildcats. As early as 1937, Claire Chennault, the author of 'The Role of Defensive Pursuit,' warned the USAAF about the dangers of Japanese air power. Apparently his warnings were ignored, as the superiority of the A6M was a complete surprise to the American forces.2 As leader of the Flying Tigers, Chennault constantly stressed to his pilots, 'Never try to turn with a Zero. Always get above the enemy and try to hit him with the first pass.'3 Because of the A6Ms exceptional range and performance, it was to bear the brunt of the action, of almost every military engagement in the Pacific, until the end of the war. 4
    The Hayabusa was a sleek little dogfighter, relatively slow and lightly armed (just two fuselage-mounted machine guns at a time when other fighters were carrying multiple machine guns or even cannon in their wings). At first, these weaknesses seemed not to matter, but as time went on, the Hayabusa was totally outclassed by its opponents in every respect except tight-turning dogfighting. And even that advantage counted little against enemy aircraft that refused to meet the Hayabusa on its own terms. Unfortunately for Japan, the Hayabusa had to continue on as a front-line fighter to the end, because its successor-the Ki-84 Hayate (which see)-was never available in sufficient quantities, and was not as reliable as the older fighter.
    Interestingly, design work on the Ki-43 began even before its predecessor, the Ki-27 Nate, entered service with the JAAF. In December 1937, the Army told the Nakajima company to design a new fighter to supercede the Ki-27. The new plane would be faster in level flight (300+ mph), swifter-climbing (5 minutes to 16,405 ft.), longer-ranged (a radius of action of 500 statute miles), with the same armament and maneuverability as the earlier fighter. The Nakajima team, led by Hideo Itokawa, worked steadily for a year, and the new plane was first flown early in January 1939.
    Designed to an incredibly demanding 1938 Navy specification, the G4M family (given the code-name "Betty" by the Allies) was the Imperial Japanese Navy's premier heavy bomber in World War II; yet the insistence on the great range of 2,000 nautical miles (3,706 km) with full bomb load made the saving of weight take priority over defence and the aircraft was highly vulnerable and not very popular. The wing was of the same Mitsubishi 118 section as the Zero-Sen and boldly designed as an integral fuel tank to accommodate no less than 5,000 litres (1,100 gal). The company kept recommending four engines and being overruled by the Navy, which, during the early flight-test stage, wasted more than a year, and 30 aircraft, in trying to make the design into the G6M bomber escort with a crew of ten and 19 guns.
    Eventually the G4M1 was readied for service as a bomber and flew its first missions in South East China in May 1941. More than 250 operated in the Philippines and Malayan campaigns, but after the Solomons battle in August 1942 it began to be apparent that, once intercepted and hit, the unprotected bomber went up like a torch (hence the Allied nickname "one-shot lighter"). Total production reached the exceptional quantity of 2,479, most of them in the many sub-types of G4M2 with increased fuel capacity and power. Finally the trend of development was reversed with the G4M3 series with full protection and only 968 gal fuel.
    Known Issues
    * Hires textures might cause you problems if your graphics card is from the previous century
    * Ki-43 has no fast prop.
    * G4M2 is AI only so dont even bother
    Aircraft Files
    All aircraft models, cockpit models and cockpit textures authored by David (AD).
    All flight models authored by Wolf257
    This pack contains 4 aircraft and 6 skins.
    Aircraft Skin
    A6M2 - White (Volksjaeger)
    White (Lansen)
    A6M5 - Camo (Volksjaeger)
    Green (Volksjaeger)
    Ki-43 - Green (Volksjaeger)
    G4M2 - Green (Volksjaeger)
    All Hangar screens and A6M2/5 loading screens by Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    Thanks to
    Jason "Volksjaeger" Brash
    Jim "Wolf257" Farmer
    Kevin "Wrench" Stein
    Whoever hosts this pack


       (2 reviews)



  19. Panelli CR.41 Fighter-Bomber

    A fake, Italian, '30's aircraft for target practice. I'm sure there is much wrong with the set-up, but she seems to work for me!


       (0 reviews)



  20. FW-190A-8/R2 "Wurger"

    Foche-Wulf FW-190A-8/R2 " Wurger " Readme
    1. This is a mod of Wolf257's original FW-190A ( FW-190A-5 ) aircraft. The FW-190A-8/R2 was a field
    modification intended to give the Luftwaffe more firepower when dealing with the heavily armored
    Allied four engined bombers such as the B-17, the B-24, and the Lancaster. Primary change was to the
    armament, with 13mm MG131s replacing the 7.92mm fuselage MGs, and the outboard wing cannon changed
    to 30mm Mk.108s. Some FW-190A-8s also were modded to carry underwing gunpods with either a single
    30mm cannon or twin 20mm MG151s. When these gunpods are released in the future, the FW-190A-8/R2
    will be able to carry them, as well as Wgr 21 210mm unguided rockets on their release also.
    2. To install, drop the FW190A-8R2 folder in your Objects/Aircraft folder. Then open the " Items You
    Need To Add To... " folder and follow the instructions included in the readme there.
    3. Special thanks goes to Wolf257 for allowing me to mod his "Baby", & Gramps for graciously allowing
    me to use his JG300 skin.
    Wolf257 : FW-190A Model & tech assistance
    Gramps : JG300 Wilde Sau Skin
    The Wrench : FW-190 Hangarscreen
    Moonjumper : tech data on cannon armament & ammo capacities
    howling1 : Any mistakes in the above are mine alone...


       (0 reviews)



  21. BF109E-3

    Messerschmitt BF109E-3 For strike fighters .....1 in a line of 3 models...E4 and 7 to follow.
    This a\c is an all time fave of mine and her lines are still nice to see....I hope its enjoyed as much as i enjoyed making this model...


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  22. Ki-43IIb "Oscar" Mod

    Ki-43IIb Hayabusa "Oscar" For SF/WoV/WoE WW2: PTO installs
    This is a modification of Wolf257's Ki-43 into the later version, the IIb as used by the IJAAF.
    This is a semi- complete aircraft mod, creating a new version for use in your World War 2: PTO installs ONLY!!
    I say 'semi-complete', because pursuant to Wolf's wishes, the aircraft LOD file is NOT included (you'll have to transfer it over from the exisiting Ki-43 --make sure it's Wolf's Ki-43, NOT ArmourDaves!!. Almost everything else is included; all the inis, an new skin, hangar screen and my damage tgas as well. The cockpit itself is NOT included, as you'll be using the one from AD's A6M5 Zero.
    The skin represents 204 Sentai, in the Home Defense role circa 1944-to the end of the war. I've redrawn all the panel lines, added my 'interperative' rivet lines (meaning no claims to accuracy are made!), simulated fabric control surfaces and dirtied it up some. As this is a natural metal skin, it has no worn-off green camo. Individual aircraft numbers are 'best guess' based on a few profiles. Therefore, no accuracy is claimed for those as well.
    PLEASE read the enclosed readme for fully detailed, step-by-step install instructions, plus commentaries and general explanitory notes.
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  23. Me-163B-1a Komet

    The Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet was the only operational rocket fighter aircraft. It required a lengthy development process and entered the war in a very limited fashion only in 1944.


       (0 reviews)



  24. Ho-229

    Horten Ho 229 V3 flying wing


       (0 reviews)



  25. J8M1 Shusui mod

    Mod of Pasko's original Me-163 Komet into the IJN's J8M Shusui rocket interceptor. Another of the "What If..." series.
    PLEASE read the readme for detailed installtion instructions
    Contains skin, new insturment panel in Japanese, and a this-mod-only hangar screen


       (2 reviews)



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