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Question for Quack

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Hey Quack, I read over at Thirdwire's forum that you are working on a campaign. Quick question for ya, is the easiest way to assign the correct pilots for a specific Jasta to add them all as knownaces? I guess the hard thing about this is to get all the correct names of the pilots of a specific Jasta during a specific period of time...

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Hey Quack, I read over at Thirdwire's forum that you are working on a campaign. Quick question for ya, is the easiest way to assign the correct pilots for a specific Jasta to add them all as knownaces? I guess the hard thing about this is to get all the correct names of the pilots of a specific Jasta during a specific period of time...


I think that's the only way to add a pilot's name. Ex: create a Jasta 11 using the FokkerDr1, and make the default texture "Jasta11". Then at the bottom create as many "KnownAces" as you like. If your first [KnownAce001] is Manfred von Richthofen using the texture "425/17 early" (one of mine) and your second [KnownAce002] is Hans Weiss using the texture "J11 Weiss" then these two will always appear as the first two aircraft in the first flight in all Campaign missions for Jasta 11. If you only have these two as [KnownAces]'s and the mission calls for more Jasta 11 aircraft the campaign will use the DefaultTexture of Jasta11 (which you typed in above) to fill in for the needed aircraft.


My campaign is called "Cambrai 1918". It uses all of my skins from PfalzDIIIa's to Fokker Dr1's and Camels and DH-4's etc etc. I've created dozens of Jasta's and squadrons. All with historically accurate markings and all the correct names of a bunch of known pilots and aces. So If I decide to fly in a CamelF1_130 of Naval 9, (Using my 4 Naval 9 Camel skins) I can fly over the front and see formations upon formations of DH-4's, RE-8's, HP400's Halberstadts and Hannovers, Even GothaGIV's too. Fighters are everywhere./ It's actually an awsome sight to see. Literally the sky would be full of fighters and bombers. Explosions everywhere. Even ground forces being engaged.

But the best part is being in my blue trimmed Naval 9 Camel and going up against Fokker Dr.1 aces of Jasta2, Jasta11, or Jasta6. or Pfalz Jasta's like Jasta 16b, Jasta10, or Jasta29. All have their custom skins and pilots names to go with as [KnownAces]. It's awsome.

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Thanks man! Your campaign sounds really cool, are you going to upload it at some point? You should! :)

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I think that's the only way to add a pilot's name. Ex: create a Jasta 11 using the FokkerDr1, and make the default texture "Jasta11". Then at the bottom create as many "KnownAces" as you like. If your first [KnownAce001] is Manfred von Richthofen using the texture "425/17 early" (one of mine) and your second [KnownAce002] is Hans Weiss using the texture "J11 Weiss" then these two will always appear as the first two aircraft in the first flight in all Campaign missions for Jasta 11. If you only have these two as [KnownAces]'s and the mission calls for more Jasta 11 aircraft the campaign will use the DefaultTexture of Jasta11 (which you typed in above) to fill in for the needed aircraft.


Quack, I was doing some experimenting last night with this... what you say above, is it just true for AI flights, or should it work for my Jasta as well. For example, I did Jasta 5 with a 7 known aces, assigned them specific textures, started up a campaign (cambrai 1917 from stock, no changes other than the knownaces) and when I started the first mission, the known aces were not my #2, 3 or 4, when I selected them from the roster menu and went back to the loadout screen, their specific textures were not loaded, I had to manually select them... is that right, or did I do something wrong? Thanks!

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Hola Javigato, no sigo mucho el hilo, de que están hablando? podrías preguntar que posibilidad hay para agregar el apoya cabeza que tenían los primeros albatros d5? modificando algún INI? Los A4 argentinos de Malvinas le colocaron las jorobas eléctricas en el fuselaje de esa forma, no se quien lo hizo, gracias y saludos, amigo. :bye:

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Javigato, There is a Campaign DATA.ini as well as a Campaign Configuration Settings.ini. The "Data.ini" has ALL objects that are involved with your campaign. The ConfigSettings.ini controls the user planes. In the config.ini you have to create a nation, Aircraft type, and all the text files that go along with your Jasta's or Squadron's missions. There's more but I'm not at my PC at the moment. I cant remember everything. But If this helps, then good. If not let me know and I'll Post some examples for you. Try downloading some campaign from the FE download section. And see how the other guys did theirs. Thats how I started. There are a bunch of parameters that I still dont know what their meaning is. So by no means am I a Camapign building expert. But I'll do what I can to help.

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Hola Javigato, no sigo mucho el hilo, de que están hablando? podrías preguntar que posibilidad hay para agregar el apoya cabeza que tenían los primeros albatros d5? modificando algún INI? Los A4 argentinos de Malvinas le colocaron las jorobas eléctricas en el fuselaje de esa forma, no se quien lo hizo, gracias y saludos, amigo. :bye:


Hola Sirafe, nada preguntaba por aqui cosas para una campanya, como asignar pilotos a los esquadrones con nombre de pilotos reales y sus correspondientes aviones (y colores y marcas, etc). La pregunta que tu quieres seria algo asi: "is there a way to add the head rest in the early Albatros D.5 modifying some INI?". Si quieres, corta y pega y pon la pregunta :) o lo pongo yo, tu me dices. Saludos!


Javigato, There is a Campaign DATA.ini as well as a Campaign Configuration Settings.ini. The "Data.ini" has ALL objects that are involved with your campaign. The ConfigSettings.ini controls the user planes. In the config.ini you have to create a nation, Aircraft type, and all the text files that go along with your Jasta's or Squadron's missions. There's more but I'm not at my PC at the moment. I cant remember everything. But If this helps, then good. If not let me know and I'll Post some examples for you. Try downloading some campaign from the FE download section. And see how the other guys did theirs. Thats how I started. There are a bunch of parameters that I still dont know what their meaning is. So by no means am I a Camapign building expert. But I'll do what I can to help.


Yea, I saw there were two campaign_data.ini and also a campaign.ini (I guess that's the config one you mention). But only one of them, can't remember which one now, has the entries for the knownaces, right?

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Only the DATA.ini has the [KnownAces] added at the bottom of each aircraft squadron or Jasta entry.

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Hi Quack, sorry to bother you, but I can't figure it out!! :(


This is what I have in my campaign_DATA.ini but only the default texture shows up for the known aces in the loadout screen for the paint scheme... So, if I pick Dilcher to be my number 2 in the roster screen, when go to the loadout section, he still has the default Jasta5 paint scheme, but when I select the drop down menu, I see his skin there, and I can manually select it... but shouldn't it be automatic since I have configured as below?


// German Unit 2







BaseArea=Boistrancourt Aerodrome






























KnownAce[01].Texture=J5 Dilcher







KnownAce[02].Texture=J5 Flashar

KnownAce[03].LastName=von Hippel

KnownAce[03].FirstName=Ltn. Hans





KnownAce[03].Texture=AlbatrosD5_170/J5 Hippel II







KnownAce[04].Texture=J5 Könnecke

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Are those Jasta 5 skins in your D5a folder or your D5 folder? Because your Jasta 5 aircraft is the AlbatrosD5a. I think those Jasta 5 skins are for the D5. Unless you changed them. And make sure the KnownAce texture names are spelled just like their folder names. Check that out. I dont want to insult your intelligence here, it's just that I've made that mistake a couple of times myself. Sometimes it's the simple dumb things.


Try changing the Jasta 5 aircraft to an AlbatrosD5

Edited by quack74

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I think I got the settings as you mention them right, but it don't work :) I have the D5_170 as specified in the campaign.ini for the stock cambrai 1917 campaign see below. Then, the skins in the D5_170 folder I created under objects/aircraft, and finally the info for jasta5 on the DATA.ini I posted above.













I am attaching the files, in case you want to take a look, this is driving me crazy!! Thanks for your patience!!



Edited by Javigato

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I think I got the settings as you mention them right, but it don't work :) I have the D5_170 as specified in the campaign.ini for the stock cambrai 1917 campaign see below. Then, the skins in the D5_170 folder I created under objects/aircraft, and finally the info for jasta5 on the DATA.ini I posted above.







AircraftType=AlbatrosD5_170 Here says D5. In your Campain DATA.ini in the above post says [AirUnit009] Jasta 5 is using the DVa






I am attaching the files, in case you want to take a look, this is driving me crazy!! Thanks for your patience!!

Edited by quack74

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