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Unicode -> Ansi file batch converter

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Unicode -> Ansi file batch converter

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An apparent incompatibility between SF2 and SF1 is that the in series two mods often there are files (.ini) encoded with Unicode format.


A common occurrence when downgrading a mod from SF2 to SF1 is therefore having to convert (save as..) a big amount of .ini files from Unicode to Ansi, a procedure which is time consuming and annoying.


Included is a one-click system to convert any amount of files from Unicode to Ansi.

It can be very useful when downgrading mods form SF2 -> SF1 series




Simply unpack and store in your HD root the directories Files_Ansi and Files_unicode. By default I am using this path: C:\converter\files_unicode (you might want to change it accordingly to your needs by modifying ansioso.bat



Make backups of files.


A-From the folder where they belong, copy in the Files_unicode folder the files (mostly they will be .ini) that you want to convert.


B_run ansioso.bat


C-In the directory Files_Ansi you should have the files with the same name but converted to ANSI format

D-Copy them back where they belong, allowing overwrite



NOTE: Ansioso.bat and stringconverter.exe MUST stay in the same folder.

Also, files'names will stay the same. B careful in copying and moving them from folder to folder.



I downloaded stringconverter.exe from a freeware website. I haven't programmed it , all the merits go to unknown programmer. In the same forum I ve found the batch file which I adpated to the specific needs.


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