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Mission pack designed for WoE.


*A-10 help!!!: Fly A-10's and stop an Iraqi convoy heading to american units.

*Al-Khafji strike: Fly F/A-18's and bomb targets in Kuwait, or fly F-14A's and shoot down Migs threatening our forces.

*Twin Otter humanitarian mission: Take refugees to Doha International Airport. (fictional)

*SCUD massacre: Destroy SCUD missiles while they are defenceless.

*Free Kuwait SAM hunting: Take part in a Air Defence Suppresion mission with the Free Kuwait Air Force.




*Desert Storm terrain included in the Desert Storm pack by JSF_Aggie available here: http://combatace.com...num__10__st__30

*Nations pack available here: http://combatace.com...w-nations-pack/

*You just need the Kuwait naition, and, VERY IMPORTANT, in your nations.ini file, set Argentine Air Force and Argentinian Navy as FRIENDLY.

*Free Kuwait Air Force skin for your A-4F available in the Desert Storm Pack available here: http://combatace.com...num__10__st__30

*F/A-18 available in the Desert Storm Pack available here: http://combatace.com...num__10__st__30

*A-10 skins available here: http://combatace.com...n-variety-pack/





Thanks to all those who have contributed to make the fantastic Desert Storm pack. These missions are possible

because of the terrains they created, aircrafts, skins, etc. THANK YOU!!!!


I hope you like it. Problems, questions, suggestions, just send a PM. Semper fi!!!





PD: In the Al-Kafji mission, there will be a KC-10 in case fuel is needed. You can find it in the Desert Storm pack by JSF_Aggie. If you want to refuel your aircraft, you must have the refueler pack by kreelin available her: http://combatace.com/files/file/7350-refueler/




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