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Slightly OT: This is cool!

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Since I'm waiting on my copy of OFF to arrive and have installed CFS3, I went searching for 3rd party aircraft. I found a few different aircraft online for downloading.


I've downloaded the Brisfit and the Jenny, and there's supposed to be a DR1 somewhere online. The Brisfit is fun but oddly enough it loads into the American Squad's aircraft.


anyone know of other WWI aircraft available for CFS3?

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Thanks for the link.


I've found some other links, I now have two different Bleriot XI's and the Jenny in addition to the Brisfit, running in the sim.


It's funny, in the Campaign I have a pilot in, the 1909 Bleriot is part of the planes parked out on field in the entry 'movie'.


The Bleriots and the Jenny all needed much work on their .cfg files to run in CFS3.


I'm not sure if their creators were clued in to how beta they were. The Jenny especially had a .cfg file that looked nothing like a CFS3 file, and it would keep bringing up a dialog box saying that the game couldn't load it. I've dialed in the old 1909 Channel crosser so it flies like the original, with a 41 mph speed maximum and about a 150 fpm climb rate.

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