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Swing-Wing Fitters for SF2

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Swing-Wing Fitters for SF2


SF2 Su-17/20/22 Swing-Wing Fitters



This mod package contains a collection of Su-17, Su-20, and Su-22 Fitters, all converted and updated to SF2 standards. Included in the package are all the weapons, sounds, pilots, and seats that you will need to install and use any of the aircraft in this package.


These aircraft can be used in SF2, SF2E, SF2V, or SF2I. To install and use them, you should ensure that your SF2 installation is patched to at least the Dec2009 patch level. See below for installation instructions.






To install, simply drag the \Objects and \Sounds folders to your SF2 Mods Folder (NOT the folder that the game installs to). By default your Mod Folder should be located here:


Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\ThirdWire\[Game]\

Windows Vista: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\

Windows 7: \Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\[Game]\


...where [username] is the account you log into within Windows and [Game] is the name of the particular game mod folder that you're moving the files to. If the aircraft are not showing up in your Single Mission Aircraft menu, then you didn't install all the bits correctly.



Aircraft & Nations Included



The following aircraft are included in this package:


Domestic Version Export Version

---------------- --------------

Su-17 Fitter-B n/a

Su-17M Fitter-C Su-20A/B Fitter-C

Su-17M2 Fitter-D Su-22 Fitter-F

Su-17M3 Fitter-H Su-22M / Su-22M3 Fitter-J

Su-17M4 Fitter-K Su-22M4 Fitter-K


The following nations are represented:


USSR Afghanistan

Bulgaria Egypt

Czechoslovakia Iraq

East Germany Libya

Hungary Syria

Poland Peru



For more information on the differences between these various different versions, see the documentation included in \_OriginalReadMes.



A Few Notes About This Package



Those familiar with Lindr2's Fitter packages for SFP1 will rightly recognize that this updated package builds on his earlier efforts. Although I have largely followed Lindr2's lead in assembling this package, there are some noteworthy differences between his SFP1 collections and this one:


1) Limited use of AmokFloo's Su-17M model


Where Lindr2 used AmokFloo's Su-17M (from 2008) to represent the -17, -17M, -17M2, -20A, -20B, and -22F, I have opted to use ArmourDave's earlier Su-17 model (from 2003) for the -20A, -20B, and -22F. Although AmokFloo's model is arguably better-suited in many ways to stand in for those early export versions, ArmourDave's model has a wider range of skins available to represent the various user nations of those aircraft. Sadly, there appear to be only three skins available for AmokFloo's model. If someone wants to do more skins for AmokFloo's model, I would be happy to release an updated version of this pack to make use of them.


2) Adjusted weapon stations and loadouts


Again, I have largely followed Lindr2' lead in this area, but I have adjusted the attachment positions of some weapon stations (esp. on ArmourDave's Su-17 model) and made some changes to the default loadouts for most aircraft. In particular, the loadouts for center fuselage stations needed changes, because with size of the PTB-800 or Tank600_Su-7 drop tanks, there simply isn't enough room to load both tanks and weapons on the front and back fuselage stations. The default loadouts load weapons (rockets, bombs) on all four stations or tanks alone on the rear stations, but never a mix of weapons and tanks on front and rear. Note that the Loadout screen *will* let you load the fuselage stations with weapons and tanks simultaneously -- just don't do that. (And, if you do, don't complain to me about the unsightly result.)


3) Wider range of skins/nations


You will find a wider range of skins used to represent more nations. I am not an expert on the operational history of the swing-wing Fitters. Still less am I a skilled texture artist, so I make no claim that these skins are 100% historically accurate in their depiction of these aircraft as used by so many different nations. I did consult online references and looked at quite a few photos while putting together this package, and I do think it represents a general improvement over what was available before. If you've got better data and/or better skins, please do share -- I'd be happy to do an updated, more accurate version of the package.



Credits & Acknowledgements



This package largely consists of work done by others and released previously in other packages. All I did was assemble the package, update the bits to SF2 standards, and make minor adjustments and tweaks here and there (discussed above).


ArmourDave ..................................... Su-17 model & cockpit

AmokFloo ....................................... Su-17M model

Lindr2 ......................................... Su-17/20/22 Packs for SFP1 (incl. pods)

Spectre8750 .................................... bits from his Su-22 Fitter pack for SF2

NeverEnough .................................... bits from his Su-17M update for SF2

Gepard, Matt Ouellette, Soulman, Sundowner ..... Skins

whiteknight06604, & Spectre8750

ravenclaw_007 .................................. PTB-800 Drop Tanks & SPS-141 ECM Pods

Spillone104 .................................... Sounds

The Trooper .................................... Red3203 Pilot

AleDucat ....................................... Zvezda K-36D Ejector Seat


If I have neglected to credit anyone, please let me know -- it will be fixed ASAP. Copies of the original documentation for the main components of this mod package are included in \_OriginalReadMes. Any errors in this package are mine alone, so please do report bugs and inaccuracies to the CombatAce.com forum.




Eric Howes


10 July 2011


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