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A "hacked" campaign won't show up in selection screen

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In a working install on NF5 in a fully merged environment, I had the idea of including some stuff of Clancy's Red Storm Rising, given that there is already a RSR, Phase 2. It would have consisted of making use of several squadrons of US and french navy planes (from the Nimitz: F-14, A-6E and from the Foch: Super Étendards and Crusaders, given that both carriers were hypothetically put out of service if not outright sunk).


But, inexperiented I am towards those activities, I took care of duplicating the original "campaigne5rsr" folder, but must have overlooked a typo or the like in the course of the INI editing.


The italian squadrons come from the "SF2-NF5_ItalianCampaign" mod available here.


Could somebody please  have a look at my files below and help me troubleshoot the error?


Regards, Uhu





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