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Everything posted by pay2021

  1. Version 1.0


    This is simple edit for VIEWLIST.INI thats allow to more zoom and make the fly-by camera zoomable. Put in your "Flight" folder, backup first!! Tested in WOE. *Optional: i recommend to eliminate the color cones because when the zoom is too big the cones also makes bigger and at the max zoom him blocks the visual, you can make this editing some lines in HUDData.ini in same folder. Find the line ConeModelName=xxxxxxxxx and erase the value to look like this ConeModelName= Thats all. Sorry for my english.
  2. Beautiful, if you need hand please, i would love to help.
  3. Hi, i been messing with mods for SF2, i sucefully can put the model in game but i have troubles with the landing gear, supposedly the names, the hiderachy, the models, etc, are fine in MAX and in the INIs, but it not work right! If someone can check it i apreciate a lot, the model is a MIG-31 from another tittle, i use it for educational purposes. The file via PM, have the MAX file in MAX 9 and the aircraft for SF2.
  4. Send it, thanks!! Edit: i can make it work thanks to RAVEN, the issue was the rotation controler in 3D software, i change to TCB, as RAVEN says me, and it works.
  5. Many thanks! I sucefully put a model in game, now i must dig into gear animations and such. You know if there is some importer from game into MAX so i can see some details? that will be just perfect, now, as any game mod i just try and error, the old school.
  6. Hi, i want to try this, i mind the 3D part wich is i like, i actually work as 3D animator, i been previously mod other games like GTA or rFactor, i want to make some planes for this, or at least try, is there a tutorial for export formats? sorry if i missed. I made this for fun in the past, i already have the SF2 version but not upload yet. http://combatace.com/files/file/12283-more-zoom-in-cameras-and-fly-by-camera-zoomable/
  7. File Name: More zoom in cameras and fly-by camera zoomable File Submitter: pay2021 File Submitted: 16 September 2011 File Category: Ini Edits This is simple edit for VIEWLIST.INI thats allow to more zoom and make the fly-by camera zoomable. Put in your "Flight" folder, backup first!! Tested in WOE. *Optional: i recommend to eliminate the color cones because when the zoom is too big the cones also makes bigger and at the max zoom him blocks the visual, you can make this editing some lines in HUDData.ini in same folder. Find the line ConeModelName=xxxxxxxxx and erase the value to look like this ConeModelName= Thats all. Sorry for my english. Click here to download this file
  8. More zoom in cameras and fly-by camera zoomable

    Let me see, comes to my mind a weapon fly-by camera also. Edit: Pal, i was looking and at the moment i cant modify the weapons camera because these are handle diferent from the other objets, each kind of object has a "class", aircraft, ground objets and weapons, this last have special properities (ie. weapons cant be targeteable) wich i suspect that are not in the file VIEWLIST.INI. I have to research more. Cheers!

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