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About woojay

  1. Migbuster advise again worked great. Fixed the problem thanks again.
  2. Now my only issue left is for some reason my chaff and flares do not show when fired off.
  3. Thank you to all those that gave me suggestions. I was able to get all working. Ended up installing on another computer I do not use much to see if it would work and it did. Noticed instead of installing off the web site I did from my backed up files of setup. Then tired this on new computer. Program and mods work great Guess I should have done this from the beginning. Thanks again.
  4. Thank you russouk2004 and Migbuster. I have not had done any add ons or modifications in a long time. All worked to my satisfaction. So I am not sure how to change the files mentioned to point them to the mod files. Would appreciate some instructions on how to do this. Right now when I checked they are the ones that come with the game. I installed clean from the Third Wire web site. The aircraft file and terrain file I had from before I added later. to the appropriate saved game path the install created. Do you think my past files are a problem and for some reason cannot be read? Appreciate in advance any assistance. Not very good now at this stuff. But really like flying the add ons.
  5. This has become maddening. I customized my map controls and tested to see if the game could read it. And low and behold it could read it in the saved games string. But still cannot find a way for the games to see my Aircraft folder or my terrains. Very strange.
  6. Think I found it under security and changed all to allow full access and loaded the game in a different location and unfortunately it did not work. Guess I am destined to only have the stock games for now. A shame been playing this for years. Really did enjoy some of the add ons I had. Thanks again for the assistance.
  7. Thank you will try I am not the best with computers where do I check this access permission?
  8. Thank you for the response. Yes I place the mod folders in Users>Jay>Saved Games>ThirdWire>StrikeFighters2 It does not read the folders. I get the stock game. Up for any other ideas. Is there any way to check and see if that is the path the game uses? It is a bit different than I had on the old computer.
  9. Greetings recently had to upgrade to windows 10. Games installed well. But cannot get any of past add on aircraft or terrains to show in game. I have tried all I know to fix. Can anyone help? Thanks
  10. Thank you that worked! I was using that Hornet before but the reinstall fixed all.
  11. Since I have done the May 2011 update I have a grey area in my HUD of the F/A 18F. Also the molding that holds the winows is thick. I had this issue once before after an update and there is a simple fix. However, after a diligent search I cannot find it. So I was hoping someone here knows how to fix this issue. Thank you
  12. I updated my vidoe card drivers with no success. Reduced all graphic settings to low. Nothing has worked. Even created a clean copy with no mods and still had the problem. I now use Dec. 2009 and look to be stuck there. TK is no longer giving this issue attention.
  13. I have had the same problem and worte about it here and at thirdwire. The only answer I got from TK is that it must be my system or the video card. This does not make much sense to me since all works perfect before that patch. I did all he said to do over there and nothing helped.
  14. I did a clean install of a merged SF2 and SF2I with the same results. So it has nothing to do with modifications. From the number of views with no response I will assume it is a conflict with my system and no one else is having this issue.

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