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XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions, Part 2 Movement of Justice

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XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions, Part 2 Movement of Justice 12/8/2015


For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version


Part 2 - Movement of Justice:
The Alliance has survived many brutal attacks by Imperial Forces. But the Empire has found itself depleted of resources and war material. The Alliance is now intent on destroying numerous Imperial stations, ships and depots in order to continue to survive. Red Squadron must carry the brunt of the load against these vital Imperial resources.


These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder.


All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft.


As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. The original readme is included for historical purposes, and contains short descriptions of the mission (some of which have been changed) and the original backstory. Unfortunately, there was no name attached to these, so proper credit can't be given. My apologies to the original author.


Kevin Stein


original set for XWCD by ??? circa 2001 or 2014??

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