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Gonna have to stop posting...

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...cause biohaz's post count is rising too fast! going to catch skunkworks in not too long :shock:


Wait....I'm adding to it now!!!!!! Argggggg! :?


*Denzil is confused*


Anyways, now that has passed, hows the game Jeff? Or are you too busy playing? We all want reviews and screenies! :D


Denzil :wink:

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I wouldn't worry too much, you guys are puttin' out some great stuff over there.


As for SF, I have to say I'm impressed in a lot of ways so far. I read a post someone else over on SimHQ wrote that it was the hardest dogfight they've ever had, and I have to agree. I was doing Instant Missions, which toss you in a furball with 4-5 Migs right away in an F4.


Man, that F4 is a PIG! :D Now I see why they call it a flying brick. :lol: But when I got my first few kills I felt like I really earned them. Aim9's are way more hit and miss then I'm used to with other sims, butit's par for the course as they are older models.


I'm gonna jump in and mess with some single missions now, but so far so good. The only problem so far is a rather nasty crash when switching to external view after starting a single mission, it takes my XP machine down to the BIOS and reboots, but it'll get worked out. Gonna do a little troubleshooting and post the results in the Bug Forum.

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I'm looking forward to your full review, I'm a campaign guy myself so tell us what its like...had very little news on it except its similar to EAW's



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