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invisable weps not showing up???

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i'v got the wep packs and it seems to be that some of the weps wernt compleated is there ne way to fix that?

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You need to be more specific. Weapons could fail to show up on aircraft for a lot of different reasons. Give an example involving a specific aircraft.

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an f-4 with a mk -750 lb high drag bomb

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What game?


What year are you starting your mission?


Single player or campaign?

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The 'Weapons Pack' uses a national classification system that differs somewhat from that of the stock game. This means that, in order for planes to "read" weapons from the 'Weapons Pack', the data and loadout files of the individual planes need to be modified.


Bunyap's latest WP contains data and loadout files for a lot of the stock aircraft of the SF/WOV/WOE series. They are contained in an 'Objects' folder within the WP package. Copy these files into your game to get stock (and I mean stock, not modded) aircraft to read the weapons in the latest WP.


If you are using *modded* aircraft, including modded F4s, you have two choices regarding data and loadout file updates:


1.) Update the data and loadout files of the individual aircraft yourself, using the instructions that come with Bunyap's WP.


2.) Get the updated data and loadout files from the guys who produced the modded aircraft. Bunyap has set up a centralized database so modders can provide users with updated information. One of the other guys here should be able to supply you with a link (I can't remember what it is, off hand).


You can also edit weapons availability using the weapons editor included with Bunyap's WP, if you don't feel like pursuing any of the options above. I've never done this myself, so I can't offer any input on weps editing. Other people have done this; perhaps they could provide you with some editing shortcuts if you want to go that route.

Edited by Tristan

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