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Seem to be having a lil problem with mavericks

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Okay, so I'm having a problem with my ISP at the moment and ever second page is coming up with "Server not found", including quite a few from this site.

Anyways, I'm in the process of modding aircraft for a bit of a "what if" mod and am having problems adding Maverick AGMs to the RAN A-4G Skyhawk by (I'm pretty sure) Gramps. I've been going a bit crazy trying to find a link back to a page I thought held the descriptions and definitions of the various weapons systems (ie RP=Rocket Pod, IRM=Infrared Missile, etc) but with my ISP woes, I'm getting nowhere. There is a page for that, yeah? I'm pretty sure there is.

Now for some reason I've had no problems with adding them to the A-1 Skyraider and I've examined the data.cfgs to determin the differences between the two aircraft but they seem to be identical. Somehow I've been able to (unintentionally) add a Tomahawk ALCM but still no Mavericks. Can anyone shed any light on this?

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check that on the stations :


LoadLimit=1621.62 <----must be 350.0 for later, heavier Mavericks iirc

AllowedWeaponClass=EOGR <.--- Electro Optical Guided Bomb

AttachmentType=USAF <-- I assume heres your prob,


with the lates wep. pack, you probably have to make a Maverick for the RAN , see info included with the wep. pack install for further info (Attachment Type Names etc)

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If you open your SFP1/WOV/WOE folder and look for a weapons pack PDF you won't have to keep getting online becasue bunyap included the list of weapons IE: RP=Rocket pod.


There also is a Nation Name and Attachment Type table.

Edited by Agamemnon

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Alrighty, cheers. For the quick responces.

These are my limits for the wing pylons at the mo (I basically went over the top to see what I could add and to get a feel for the new asthetics of the G)


Outer) LoadLimit=700

Inner) LoadLimit=1220.9

Centerline) LoadLimit=1587.6

Now I already had EGOR and EGOB covered in the initial test loadout:



(Again, just to get an idea of what a hypothetical loadout would look like in game)

I had the attachment type like so:



There wouldn't be any conflict between having both USAF and USN attachment type would there?


Cheers for the Weaps list too, I remember seeing it somewhere but I just assumed it was a link from the KnowledgeDB or something. I'm at work now so I'll have to hunt for it when I get back.

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Nope, still can't seem to get it. was having a few other problems with weapons systems not showing up other aircraft so I now have a fresh install but the same problem. Has anyone else had this problem? I've altered the avionics.ini and data.ini the same way I've edited other aircraft previously (even cutting and pasting the loadouts from other models's data.ini and still no joy)and this is the only one I seem to have probs with? Any clues?

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Guest capun

Check your spelling it is EOGR not EGOR


I have some tutorials and docs at my site, but be forewarned that some of them may be outdated. But you can get most of the info. Look for the Loadout document



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