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I have had trouble adding ships to SF1, I have followed the read me files but the only thing I cant do is add the lines to the ground object data ini file which I cant find, I have down load the file extracter gizzmo and even that cant find it, help me please, I am sick of attacking tankers.

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Check out this knowledgebase article on how to add ground objects in the latest patch. It is still a crap shoot on what sort of ship target you will fly against. I don't know off hand how to change that so you will fly against some of the patrol boats, or destroyers that are avilable for download out there.

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Check out this knowledgebase article on how to add ground objects in the latest patch. It is still a crap shoot on what sort of ship target you will fly against. I don't know off hand how to change that so you will fly against some of the patrol boats, or destroyers that are avilable for download out there.

I have tried the above but it still wont show any other ships apart from the tankers

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I have tried the above but it still wont show any other ships apart from the tankers


That is because the vast majority of addon ships are defined as warships. You have two choices:


A:) Create a scripted mission where you fly againt the specific ship type(s) that you want....




B:) Reclassify the addons as "Tankers" or "Cargoships" in their data.ini files, like so: GroundObjectRole=CARGO_SHIP or GroundOjectRole=Tanker


They'll then appear (from time to time) in randomly-generated missions.

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That is silly that the only thing which the single mission or even the campaign will generate is routes for tankers or cargo ships. Because even the stock Patrol boat that is in the basic game doesn't want to even show up. I think that would be fun with an A-4 and some iron bombs or an F-100 trying to chase down a patrol boat and hit it, at least more complicated then trying to hit some slow cargo ships or tankers.

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