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Hi all,


Can anyone help-


Is there a JP233 pack available for the Tornado in WoE?

Is there a mod to alter ATC voices




SW :tongue:

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There is no JP233 for the WOE or any of the other games. The game engine can not model its usage and effects properly.


As it stands right now there is no way to change the ATC voices. The best that I could tell you to do would be find the voice file you want to change in the Speech folder of your game directory. Then record a new one using windows sound recorder, change the name to the old one and there you go.

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There is no JP233 for the WOE or any of the other games. The game engine can not model its usage and effects properly.


As it stands right now there is no way to change the ATC voices. The best that I could tell you to do would be find the voice file you want to change in the Speech folder of your game directory. Then record a new one using windows sound recorder, change the name to the old one and there you go.


Thanks Matey- I'll give it a go- shame about the 233 though

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