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does each weapon need a .bmp, .lod, .ini file?

I pulled the weapons zip from pasco and cannot get the fab3000/9000 to work,. They show on the loadout screen (left-side) but never allows it to be selected. I'm flying the TU-22, Strike mission and its no go. The weapons are in the object folder and i have run the weapon editor against the weapondata.ini file, all seems ok but???




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These three FABs use FAB250.bmp texture which is already in game, so you do not need it, unless you want to paint them differently.


As additional weapons is not accounted for in game, hence zero availability, although they do show sometimes.


If you have modified and extracted all files as in instructions, you should have a black dot on the pylon.

Default weapon for that loadout is there, even as textbox shows blank or empty. Just ignore loadout and fly, it shoud be there.


For Kitchen and Kormoran, proper guidance is not implemented in game yet, so they should work as Anti Radiation Missiles. However, if the target is not good source of radiation, they won't lock on it.



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Thanks, Pasco, that clears it up. And thanks again for the e-mail.



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