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Guest IndioBlack

Se5 Separate triggers

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Guest IndioBlack

I modded the Se5 to enable separate triggers for the two different guns. This is authentic for the Se5, although according to Ralph Barker's book on the ROYAL FLYING CORPS IN WORLD WAR I, one Leonard Barlow, known as "The Gadget King" wired up both the Vickers and Lewis to fire from one button when performing strafing missions around the Messines Ridge.

However, what I have noticed is that my wingmen are only using the Lewis gun, as evidenced by their stats after a mission. They are sometimes very good: 10 shots, 1 hit, 1 kill springs to mind. But I'm wondering if they don't use the Vickers because of my re-wiring (TK explained how it could be done, but didn't warn of any downside), or simply because they just don't.


On another matter, I took a Fokker D7 up to see what it was like fighting from the German side, and was surprised to note how much easier the British planes are to shoot down.

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I modded the Se5 to enable separate triggers for the two different guns. This is authentic for the Se5, although according to Ralph Barker's book on the ROYAL FLYING CORPS IN WORLD WAR I, one Leonard Barlow, known as "The Gadget King" wired up both the Vickers and Lewis to fire from one button when performing strafing missions around the Messines Ridge.

However, what I have noticed is that my wingmen are only using the Lewis gun, as evidenced by their stats after a mission. They are sometimes very good: 10 shots, 1 hit, 1 kill springs to mind. But I'm wondering if they don't use the Vickers because of my re-wiring (TK explained how it could be done, but didn't warn of any downside), or simply because they just don't.


On another matter, I took a Fokker D7 up to see what it was like fighting from the German side, and was surprised to note how much easier the British planes are to shoot down.


I ran into the same problem when i seperated the 23mm and 37mm cannons in the Mig-17.I could be wrong but it seems the AI dosn't like to use the second trigger setting.You may want to try and switch the primary and secondary triggers and see if they only get kills with the vickers then.That may be a clue.

Edited by whiteknight06604

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I modded the Se5 to enable separate triggers for the two different guns. This is authentic for the Se5, . . .


This seems like a very worthwhile change. Thanks for coming up with it.

Would you please post the mod or explain how to do it? I'd like to try the same.





Edited by sinbad

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Unpack DATA ini of SE5a. Open. Go to weapons section near the bottom. Find second gun. Change FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN to FIRE_SECONDARY_GUN. Start the game -> settings -> controls. Assign a button to secondary gun. Enjoy! :biggrin:

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Got it. This is also a way to parse out the ammo.


A very appropriate mod.



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The best way to 'parse' the ammo , is to get in close, and go for the pilot.

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Guest IndioBlack
The best way to 'parse' the ammo , is to get in close, and go for the pilot.


Well, that seems like very good advice, but how do you tell if you've got the pilot ?


I got into discussing this somewhere else, regarding the 2nd patch, where I noted that the Aircraft now seem to have more armour and are consequently harder to shoot down: As such, it's very difficult to ascertain when you've got a kill. When you back weapons off from "Hard" to "Normal", you get bits flying off when your bullets hit, and you frequently get the wings ripping off. However, on "Hard", your most likely visible result is the propellor stopping, which signifies an engine kill. However, this doesn't always guarantee that the aircraft will plummet to the ground. Normally, it just keeps gliding along, and often lands safely.

What I argued is, that if I'm behind the aircraft and have fired enough rounds into it to damage the engine, then an awful lot of those rounds should have passed through the pilot. However, there appears to be no visual clue that the pilot is dead or even wounded. If the pilot is dead, one might expect that he would be unable to hold the stick in a safe position, and that the plane would either nose over, or roll with the engine torque. This doesn't happen, and maybe it needs to.


The other discussion regarding dead pilots arose with the observation that enemy aircraft often land quite safely after being shot at, and have done so right from the pre-patch beginnings. There was some speculation that the pilot had died, but the plane had just glided into a soft landing. We then noted that some of these aircraft took off again and rejoined the fight, and it was suggested that you would know the pilot was dead if he was no longer visible in the cockpit. I have never noted the absence of a pilot in the cockpit, and do not know if this is the case.

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Guest IndioBlack
I dont take risks, keep firing until the plane desintegrates. :diablo:


The plane rarely disintegrates on "Hard" Weapon setting post 2nd patch. You have to be on "Normal" Weapon setting to get disintegration.


There is no indication that the pilot is dead. I doubt that a dead pilot is factored into the flight model. I was hoping someone might tell me different.

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if the pilot is killed he will disapear.usually by the time he's dead the target has major damage that in all liklyhood will bring him down anyway.I havn't as of yet noticed any "lucky" hits taking out a pilot but leaving an otherwise undamaged aircraft behind.

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