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ATI Radon 9700 video card

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I have ordered the sim but have yet to get it .I understand there has been some problems with ATI cards in the sim and patch 2 is supposed to fix it.

I also read that some people are still having problems ,even after the patch.

I'am running Windows XP Home addition .What problems have people been been having and whats the odds that the Patch will fix it.

Also I see Third wire May come out with addons ,if I put in any new planes from these sites ,like the Camel will I have to take them out if I install the addon?Or will the sim not care if for instance ,I have two Camels?

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The issue of the addon working with 3rd party planes won't be known until we get it. If the planes are named the same (literally the .ini files) then yes, there will be a conflict. In those cases the modders usually release an updated version that's renamed so it will work.


I've had ATI cards since SFP1 came out I think, starting with a 9800 thru my X800 XT to my current X1650 Pro. I've not noticed any real troubles with the game, although I admit I've got very little stick time in it to date. Must rectify that soonest! :grin:

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I continue to have minor clipping issues, and then some really bizarre whole tile drop outs in the foreground. But it sounds like to me that you've already seen these posts so I will not link to them... Funny thing is that I can go for a whole mission and not see them, then other missions it happens every few minutes, or it only happens towards the end. Patch 2 didn't fix it for me, upgraded ATI driver didn't either...


If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about it UNLESS you were thinking about buying an ATI card.

I decided to not be bothered by the occasional glitch occurrence; that said, of course I hope it will be corrected, but meanwhile I just enjoy the game... a whole lot!!!

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Too late about getting an ATI card as I already have one.Guess I'll wait and see if Third wire comes out with another patch


The issue of the addon working with 3rd party planes won't be known until we get it. If the planes are named the same (literally the .ini files) then yes, there will be a conflict. In those cases the modders usually release an updated version that's renamed so it will work.


I've had ATI cards since SFP1 came out I think, starting with a 9800 thru my X800 XT to my current X1650 Pro. I've not noticed any real troubles with the game, although I admit I've got very little stick time in it to date. Must rectify that soonest! :grin:

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I should have put this in my first reply ,but I ,think I'll wait to install until some of these issues are worked out.

Kinda ironc since I finally got a reply from the capun's site that they are considering me fo registeration.

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