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Knights Over Europe Update:

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It would appear that the head honcho for Knights Over Europe (Mathew ‘JP4’ Herman - Producer) has been hinting at how this exciting new WWI sim should play! Here are his exact words from Frugal's World:


"First, thanks goes out to Mark who started this forum sometime around 2 a.m. He's a real credit to the flight sim community.


Just a few weeks ago we here at Aspect Simulations announced the development of "Knights Over Europe" and the feedback we've received from the on-line community has been overwhelmingly positive. It has been our goal from the start to make a painstakingly detailed WWI combat flight simulator that has great visuals and addictive game play. Our artists and engineers go to great lengths to make sure that whatever we put in the game is the best we can make it.


Recently our lead engineer implemented the motion of the magazine that feeds the Lewis Gun. Instead of just throwing in some arbitrary value he researched how the magazine was loaded and then calculated the actual degree of movement needed to chamber each round. It is this type of nuance, added with hundreds of others, that helps to make what is shaping up to be one heck of a game. Most of us at Aspect Simulations are long time flight simmers. We share a lot of the same ideas on what makes a great sim with you. It’s our hope you take the opportunity to send us your feedback on how we are doing. If we get something wrong call us on it.


Not more than a few days ago someone let us know that the cowling on our Fokker DrI was wrong. We checked our references and it turns out they were right. As a result we’re correcting the model. If you like sims in general, great! If you are a WWI aircraft expert, even better! Either way our goals are the same, we want a WWI aerial combat experience that you can’t get enough of.


Here’s to success,


Mathew ‘JP4’ Herman


Aspect Simulations, LLC"


When asked about certain aspects of his sim, he responded:


"Thanks for all the questions.




KOE will feature a dynamic campaign that is even better than the one in Red Baron II. The best way to summarize it is this. The war will unfold along a historical timeline, but events along that timeline can be pulled forward, pushed back or eliminated based upon the players influence and performance. The great thing about this is that neither side is assured of victory.





We will have a tool for you to customize single missions. We know that sometimes you just don’t have time to get into the campaign or want to play around with ‘what-if’ scenarios.





We aren’t quiet ready to comment on system specs but I can say that I personally will be upgrading from my PIII 550 w/ GeForce 2 to be able to play the game. If you are an avid gamer you’ll likely have a machine that will play KOE beautifully.





While I can confidently say that our damage model is industry leading, to date, we don’t have plans to implement ‘flapping pieces of fabric’ when pieces get shot away. Even with today’s hardware getting that to act appropriately would require significant overhead. But don’t despair…I seriously doubt that you’ll be disappointed with what we are doing with damage.





The specific plans for player mod-ability haven’t been locked down yet. However, rest assured that we won’t be doing anything to preclude players from making mods.





I can’t comment on publishers right now. We want to make sure that every interested player has access to KOE world wide. That makes our publisher selection(s) an important one. Rest assured when things are finalized we, and they I suspect, will be letting everyone know.


Thank you for all the kind replies everyone:


We will be releasing more information about multiplayer in the near future. We also have in mind many of the other suggestions about aircraft failures/reliability, atmosphere and the like. We'll share more information on these topics as time progresses. I’d like you all to know that one of our governing design principles is obsessive quality. We don't plan on implementing anything in "Knights Over Europe" unless it is done with exceptional detail and craftsmanship."


The post can be found here: Knights Over Europe - Starting Out

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