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Weasel Keeper

RTCW Enemy Territory...FREE!

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I posted this in the TAC Sim board, but I'm so excited I figured I'd throw it in here too. :o


Those of you who played RTCW awhile back may remember they were working on an expansion pack (Enemy Territory) that was going to cost extra. Kind of like BF42's Road to Rome expansion pack.


The project was cancelled, but they're releasing ET for multiplayer for free! It includes 6 new maps that you can play seperately, or two campaigns that have three of the maps each. The good thing about it, you don't even have to have RTCW...ET is a stand-alone game.


Engineers can build MG nests and bridges now.


A new class is "Spy". You can switch uniforms and infiltrate.


Engineers can now lay mines. :twisted:


Pretty hefty download at 257.8 MB, but it's pretty cool and did I mention free? :shock:



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Ya I DL'd tonight, it freakin rocks!

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Guest Ranger332

a few pic to show your point

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Too bad they don't have the woman in this version...she's kind of hot. :lol: I think she was supposed to be in the single player version.


Another cool thing I found out is you can record your missions. It has a built in recorder, like Janes USAF did, so you can watch your game after you play it. I haven't tried it yet though. I've been having a lot of fun playing this, and I've been quite lucky to find the majority of servers are pretty good. It's a very stable game and even on my old-tired P3 500 it's running pretty smooth.

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