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Fritz Rumey D.Va Jasta 5

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Fritz Rumey D.Va Jasta 5

This skin depicts the camo and markings on Albatros D.Va flown by Lt Fritz Rumey of Jasta 5. While the skin was technically challenging, the more difficult aspect of this project was the research. Several well-regarded sources depict this aircraft. Unfortunately, and predictably, even the most authoritative sources do not agree on some significant matters. The “candy cane” pattern is shown with noticeable variations. In some views the colors extend over the engine cowl, while others depict a bare metal or polished metal cowl. Everyone agrees that the wings were done in a two-color mauve/green pattern, but there are wide variations as to the pattern, placement and color sequence, not to mention the colors themselves. Consequently, I spent far more time on research, than the actual graphic work, and a significant amount of material is still in the pipeline (including the Windsock two volume set on Jasta 5). I’ll probably decide to make changes later, but eventually I had to make decisions given the material available.


The sources include excellent photos and three views from the Smithsonian depicting the D.Va restoration there, as well as Mark Millers excellent image set, and profiles by Bob Pearson. As usual, there was some definitive advice from a man I regard very highly, Dan San Abbot at the Aerodrome forum, regarding the camo pattern.



The result you see is entirely my own, and my time machine is no longer operational. This is an interpretation, a well-grounded interpretation, but certainly a mix of accuracy and flaws. Some flaws I intentionally left in. I decided to include both logos for the prop and the Albatros factory (on the rudder). Both are entirely accurate but are flawed for different reasons. The prop logo (as far as I can tell) displays only on the rear of the prop when the skin is loaded. You’ll see it on the skin and as the prop turns over. Of course the actual logo was only on the front of the prop. The Albatros factory logo may or may not have been painted over by Jasta 5 (or it may have been painted over and replaced). In any event, it certainly was there when it left the factory, and I think it is at least possible it was on the tail when Rumey flew the plane. The colors for the famous green tail and the camo pattern for the wings, as well as the various bits of hardware are as accurate as the photos, data, and drawings available to me.


Have fun with it. I’d appreciate any comments, especially with links to source material.


I’d like to dedicate this skin to Peter01 in recognition for the tremendous work he is doing on the flight models for this sim.


Just drop the folder in your AlbatrosD5a folder and select Fritz Rumey in the loadout screen. There is no need to edit the ini.


Please no distribution or republication.


sinbad © 2007


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