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Same Aircraft, Different Skins!

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I just noticed that when I change the skin of my aircraft in say, single player, to something other than the original default skins, my aircraft shows up with the new skin but the planes flying with me such as my wingman, have the original default skin. Is there a way to make ALL the aircraft flying with you have the same skin? I'd at least like to see my wingman be from the same squadron... :?

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In the loadout screen you can go in and set your wingmans camo, weapons ect, its a dropdown box where its say "kingfish11" (or whatever your callsign is)

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In the loadout screen you can go in and set your wingmans camo, weapons ect, its a dropdown box where its say "kingfish11" (or whatever your callsign is)


If anyone from Thirdwire is reading, it would be nice if an "Apply to All" button could be added so that the marking and loadout selections you make could be quickly applied to all aircraft in your flight.

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