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Wright Flyer Simulation

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I ran across this at Major Lee's website: http://www.mywrightexperience.com/


Major Lee also has updated screen shots here of the new simulation: http://www.major-lee.net/index.html under Wright Flyer Experience.


"First Flight" offers the historic flight sim pilot the opportunity to fly either the Wright Brother's 1902 Glider, the 1903 Flyer or the 1911 "B" model Flyer. Each of these craft offer unique challenges to the virtual pilot. Let me assure you, flying these aircraft in the "Realistic" flight model mode is extremely challenging! The 1902 Glider is propelled by variable winds blowing off dunes of North Carolina. These same winds can play havoc with the 1903 Flyer, so be careful of wind direction. The 1911 "B" Flyer offers the most control but it still is subject to variable winds and a less than deft touch on the stick! All three models sport a high tech wind direction indicator; a piece of string hanging from the front canard or frame structure. Learn to "read" this piece of equipment or you'll learn how to restart a flight session! Don't worry though, there is always the "Easy" flight model mode... You'll also appreciate the "Replay" capability of "First Flight", so you can review your flight or even save it.


How cool!!! :D

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Guest Ranger332




ppl maybe Iam speacking out if turn but plz read we sometimes dont read when we find something new and make multi posting on the same thing.


Granted sometimes the posting is off screen do to other postings but the site gets close to the limit at the end of the month and if so will lock out others postings and pic


but ty for getting the info to us :lol: :thumbup:

MJ can you add to this :idea:

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:) Sorry, I really only read and moderate the WWI section here. I don't have a whole lot of time for the other sections. I'm sure some people are the same in fact! :)

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ArgonV is the WWI Moderator for Biohaz and doesn't get around to the other forums as much, so he didn't see your post. It's more relevent in this forum anyway. ;) Carry on...

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Guest Ranger332

lol ya know I even missed which forum it was in :shock: :oops::oops:

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Hey Argon where is the vickers going to be mounted? :D

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Hmmm... I doubt these kites could even lift off with a Vickers, LoL!


I've been talking to Brian Wachter, the Web Developer for mywrightexperience.com and he says the new site will hopefully soon be set up and ready to go. From what I've seen thus far, it's looking great! They are also hoping to get the product wrapped up and shipped by next month. A very nice guy indeed, and I was most greatful for these bits of info. :)

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Jack Ralston, President at Bihrle Applied Research sent me a nice e-mail today with some answers to many questions I had asked. To say the least, I'm VERY pleased at his response. Here is the part of the e-mail which explains:


"I also want to thank all the people that have emailed with comments about the concept that we have for this game and how it can be extended to other period flight sim applications. We are very interested in how this game is accepted and have already been making tentative plans for several potential follow ons, ranging from the ability to incorporate new aircraft from the period to building an environment that will allow the bringing together of these airplanes to meet and race, both cross country as well as closed circuit. As a hobby activity, several company employees have been putting together flight simulations of some of the early aircraft through the airplanes of World War I, using the same approach of building the models with the latest commercial simulation modeling techniques. We certainly would like to see the application of these models in the scenarios described above and look forward seeing how enthusiasts respond to First Flight.

A few other questions that I can answer - to the questions about whether the sim is open - the sim is sort of open at this point, at least the terrain, and the graphical objects are. The terrain model at KittyHawk has a wind model tied to it so editing that one can cause problems, although the terrain used by the 1911 model does not have that limitation. The flight models themselves are not currently accessible, but we may set up new flight models for future release. We're talking to with the developer about a number of options, and in the future, keep an eye on the First Flight website (www.mywrightexperience.com) for any announcements."


I'm excited to say the least! :D

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