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Anyone knows which parameter in weapon editor determines the probability of hit of AG missiles? For example missiles as in topit title are released, fire their rocket, and dive in the sea or land. I experimented but had no result. (sea skua and martin pescador are those of the falkland addon)

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I experienced the same with the Kormoran and Exocet missiles; I'd be very interested in a fix, too.

I understand they don't sea-skim and have no active radar guidance because of limitations of the game-engine.

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I am still wondering which parameter is...

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OK, I have just tried the Sea Eagle (sea-skimming anti-ship missile), and I can't complain about accuracy (it does even sea-skim).


I'm fairly new to the game, so this write-up is merely a rather uneducated guess based on my interpretation of the parameters as shown in the weapons editor.


My guess is that accuracy depends on several parameters being carefully balanced. I'm not too sure how much influence the "accuracy" value has. Looking at the Pescador in the weapons editor, however, there is only 5 seconds of propulsion which may be the main reason for missiles splashing prematurely. The value for arming time is 6 seconds - which would mean the missile is armed only after the booster has burnt its fuel, which in turn should limit the missile's usefulness considerably.


In comparison the Sea Eagle from the Weapons Pack has an arming time of only 2.8 seconds, 2.8 seconds of booster + 250 seconds of sustainer propulsion.


Any corrections to my naive assumptions highly welcome; as I said already I'm merely an interested dilletante.

Edited by Royohboy

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