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Southside Bucky

Pilot & Markings view distance...

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Hi guys.


Can someone please tell me how to extend the view distance at which both the AI pilot figure and national insignia appear from the player cockpit view? (Is it called the LOD distance?) :dntknw:


ATM both disappear at about 50 feet away, and it's been kinda bugging me for a while now...


Thanks in advance.



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For the pilot

In the XXpilot.ini file found in the ObjectDataXX.CAT and placed straight into the AIRCRAFT folder




Distance=50 //////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the first LOD




Distance=100 //////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the 2nd LOD








for decals (2 parts)

in the decal.ini (in the texture folder for a given aircraft)




DecalLevel=2//////////////////////////////////////////Decal type, Country insignia are DecalLevel=1 iirc





DecalMaxLOD=3//////////////////////////////////////max LOD for a given decal



in the xxxaircraft.ini (found in the ObjectDataXX.CAT or the aircrafts folder)




Distance=120////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the LOD




Distance=300////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the LOD




Distance=600////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the LOD and in the above case the the max distance for the decal











hope thats helpful :)

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For the pilot

In the XXpilot.ini file found in the ObjectDataXX.CAT and placed straight into the AIRCRAFT folder




Distance=50 //////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the first LOD




Distance=100 //////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the 2nd LOD








for decals (2 parts)

in the decal.ini (in the texture folder for a given aircraft)




DecalLevel=2//////////////////////////////////////////Decal type, Country insignia are DecalLevel=1 iirc





DecalMaxLOD=3//////////////////////////////////////max LOD for a given decal



in the xxxaircraft.ini (found in the ObjectDataXX.CAT or the aircrafts folder)




Distance=120////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the LOD




Distance=300////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the LOD




Distance=600////////////////////////////in metres max view distance for the LOD and in the above case the the max distance for the decal











hope thats helpful :)


Don't think that I didn't notice the name of the .lod in your example. :grin:

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Thanks for the quick reply P10ppy.


I actually set each of those 'wwiPilotNewXX' LOD's at '150' about a week ago, but I noticed it only seems to affect the outside (F6) view.


When viewing AI planes from the cockpit view, the pilots still vanish at too near a distance. I'll have to investigate further I s'pose...


Haven't had time to try the decal LOD's yet, but I'm sure that one'll work.


Thanks very much for the advice.


All the best.



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that's a weird one Southside Bucky

I just did a quick test and you are right, the default settings are a little short (never noticed before :blush: )

200m seems to have fixed it up for me (in and out the pit), tho I think a lower monitor resolution would make the popup seem more obvious (chunkier pixels)


the only thing I can think of (other than to make sure you have done all the pilots) is that some 3rd party planes have none or few LODs and that MAY affect the pilot lodding :dntknw: (ie you are only ever seeing the first pilot LOD)

or the extra graphic load of the pit is causing the pilot not to be rendered....again guessing but maybe play with your graphics settings



Its still being worked on slowly (couple of hours a week) i just happen to be fiddling with it when i saw Southside Bucky's post :wink:


glad you are looking forward to it...

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Its still being worked on slowly (couple of hours a week) i just happen to be fiddling with it when i saw Southside Bucky's post


glad you are looking forward to it..."


Yes I am really looking forward to the Voison.Please don't think I'm trying to rush you I just fell in love the moment I saw your WIP pics.Out of all the WIP pics I have seen both FE and WOE/WOI this one is the one I have been hopeing dosn't disapear.Take your time please I have no problem waiting for that sort of quality. :yes:

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