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Using FE Maps in KMD

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Is there any way (when zoomed in) to see a more detailed terrain when using the KMD program?

I've been trying to creat missions from take offs to landings but it seems impossible to place any objects on maps. I cant tell where im placing anything. Am I doing something wrong. Or is there another way? Have a Look.





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It uses the planningmap so i dont think its possible to have a more detailed map. However when you press map inflight it shows a detailed version almost like a sattilite image. Maybe there is a way to use that instead of the planningmap.

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Unfortunately, there is no way to get "more detailed" terrain cause my editor cannot read the terrain data like in game. Now what kind of object placement do you want to do ? If you want to make your plane to take off from a specific AB, you have just to set the first WP of your flight above the AB and then click on "Take off" check box...

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Unfortunately, there is no way to get "more detailed" terrain cause my editor cannot read the terrain data like in game. Now what kind of object placement do you want to do ? If you want to make your plane to take off from a specific AB, you have just to set the first WP of your flight above the AB and then click on "Take off" check box...



Planes and waypoints are no problem. Its things like AAA, balloons, trucks, tanks, etc. You really dont know exactly where you are putting them. I just wanted to know how other people use the maps to create new missions or campaignes. I can place them, but I just dont know if theyre in a good spot :dntknw:

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I use the long and laborious task of placing objects in game. Activate the Debug mode in the huddata.ini, fly to the area I want to place objects then crash. Then you can use the mouse to zoom around and find places to put your objects and record the exact coordinates from the debug screen. Use the offsets and you don't have to create a new target area.

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