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Joystick Setups For Lomac???

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Just curious if anyone (maybe MrMudd,etc) has fooled around with things like Axes curve,etc in the joystick setup page to see what settings give the most realistic feel??

Im not so much concerned with keyboard command layout as I am actual feel of the controls or responsiveness.

Anyone played around with this and found anything interesting?

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Cmon guys. 28 views and no responses? do my pits smell or somethin? LOL

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Guest MrMudd

Sorry i didint get to your post. I have been away takeing care of other things this past week and a half.


I havnt really set one up. I dont spend any time with LOMAC these days.

I made a 3 segment video series for UBISOFT. That has been the extent of my use of the sim. (1 Day). I dont have the DEMO.


I did adjust my exponential axis curves so as to not have the stick sensitive until the last 60% of the stick. That goes for all Axis. With my Rudder pedals I have it around 75% just to help smooth my Taxing. In flight the Rudders are only useful during slow speed operations like landing. In some Break out of plane manuevers i use the rudder, But they are Full Inputs. So there is no need for me to fly an active rudder input profile.


I'm spending most of my time with FS2004 now, Helos and Bush Planes. Downloading new Terrain Maps and Sceneries. I have some reviews of hardware related to this to fullfill.

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I use Cougar with modified stick tension (all right! - it`s just a stiff rubber boot

around the base of the stick) and I like minimal movements of the stick.

In the Cougar Setup:

Dead zones for x & y are 4% (the pots are still good)

Sensitivity for x & y is set at -4 (that`s pretty sensitive)

Rudder -8 (TM Pro)

In Lo-Mac Setup:

Dead zones for x, y & rudder - Half a notch from the left

Shift for all axis - all the way to the right

Sensitivity for x & y - 2.5 notches left from the center

for rudder - 1.5 left from center


That`s what works for me. Initially my setup was more like MrMudd`s.

But after couple of hours of hamfisting the Mig and the Hog I decided to change

it. The problem with that setup was insufficient pitch authority with small stick

deflections. When I tried to gradually increase the pitch (especially at slow speeds)

it would rapidly jump to high sensitivity. There was no happy medium.

So after some experimenting I decided to use the above mentioned setup.

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Thanks for the info guys I appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to post MrMudd, I was curious what you used based on your background .

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