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Hudson Ini Tweeks Pak

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Hudson Ini Tweeks Pak

Lockheed Hudson Tweeks Pak -For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 ETO Installs


Some small ini mods and a new gunsight for Veltro2K's RAF medium bomber.


The data ini has had the lighting repositioned, modified and adjusted to more closely match those seen on Real Life ™ aircraft. The loadout ini has been adjusted for the use of 'RAF***' type bombs only (although US AN series can still be loaded on the loading screen), and the cockpit ini has the addition of a 'ring-and-bead' type gunsight.

Enhanced AI sections have also been added.


Several sub-folder that are included here contain new textureset inis for the "CC" and "RAF1" skins, with the addition of the squadron names, and the inclusion of the Squadron Crests as the patch.bmp. The folder name remain the same, but the 'in-game' name you'll see will reflect these changes. CC will now show "48 Squadron, Coastal Command". RAF1 will now show "500 Squadron".


=This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era guns, bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.=


As expected, there's a nice readme included -- the MOD requres you read it and follow the instructions therein




kevin stein


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Excellent, thanks Kevin. :good:


"If it ain't been wrenched, it ain't worth wrenchin'..."


I fear my lazyness caused some of that work you did, so sorry and thanks again !

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Nothing to be sorry for!!! ...took me 2 seconds to create the new patch for 48 Sqdn, and another minute to find the 500 and create one for that.


Having a bunch of Crests 'in stock', and a link to an RAF site that has most of them....well, it helps! :biggrin:


LInky: http://www.rafweb.org/Index.htm


It did take me nearly FOREVER to dial in that cursed tail light...I think it still needs to go aft a bit more.....



kevin stein

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