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Picture Size Question

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MJ, how do I size my pictures in a thread or post? Ive tried the HTML tags to no avail.

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What do you mean?


Like when you post a picture and you want to rezise?



Or your signature picture?

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Im talking about when I post an image on the forum in a thread. Like if I wanted to post an image right now, I would use the image button MJ has provided. But how do I size that image so that, for instance, it isnt so large. I tried HTML tags, but they dont work.

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Good question. I'll take a look and see what I can find...

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Hi MJ, any findings yet?

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Yeah I took a look and unfortunately regular BBCode doesn't allow for specific sizes like you can with HTML. I have setup the board to create an thumbnail for any pic over 800x600 for now, but that's only for attached images, there's no control over linked images. I am currently looking at a modification to InvisionBoard that will size linked images...

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