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Hanger Screens Preview

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I've been reinstalling SFP and noticed some of the new planes I added in, and a few old originals, didnt have hanger screens. A few dont have loadout images either. So I decided to fill the breach so to speak. Since Im no 3D artist working on planes, thought this might be a small contribution to the community. These two screens shown here are about 80% done so they are only a jpg preview of bmp images to see if anyone likes them. Whether you do or not is no big deal cause I do and Im still gonna use 'em in my game. :P But if there is the slightest interest, Ill be glad to zip 'em and upload them, maybe here at Biohaz if MJ's agreeable.


The other planes needed are B-57, AN-12 Cub-A, B-66C, F2H4 Banshee, MiG-15 BIS, and the O-1E Birddog.





I must say I think they look pretty business like and neat in the hangar screen ingame. Im jazzed... B)


NOTE: OK, these two are done now. I added the girl on one and the map on the other. Placing each picture just right so as to fit the SFP hanger screen and not crowd or partially cover each other is a bit of a chore. I also find I have to touch them up a bit, add shadows or borders, then lettering the way I want it. The background has to be a dark color so the briefing will show up. Then that little hanger screen label in the upper right is a pest too trying to use it and not have it throw off the "look" of the screen. Ive been at it now over two days with only a break for church, exercise, and sleep for 14 hours. All I can say is it's fun. Do me a favor however...if I say I want to model aircraft in 3D, someone please come over and jap slap the crap outta me, ok?;)

Edited by pcpilot

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We're always happy to host good sim files...

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Ok, here's #3, for the Destroyer. I used the 256 colors for it instead of the 16bit so its not got as good resolution, however the file size is only a third of the first two. So tell me what you think, more res and bigger file size, around 2MB. Or less res and size. Hope ya like it...:)




Edited by pcpilot

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Here's the best one yet. Hope Capun likes it, I do...:)




This one REALLY looks nice ingame.

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Guest capun


Love the screens, of course specially the Banshee.

When are you going to have it ready? I'd like to have it to see if it can be part of the release package.

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Capun, Ill zip the F2H and email it to you if I can get the file small enough. Its a 2.3MB High Res BMP unzipped. I'll PM you if I have any problems.


Another note about the low-res B-66 screen...The preview jpg posted here doesnt look to good, but the actual ingame hanger screen isnt bad at all; looks good. Not quite as good as the High Res but perfectly usable.


Also, I am working on the O-1E Birddog right now. Sure is hard to find good camo images to use...looking for a good hires Tigerstripe camo or woodland.

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Guest capun


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Im really lovin this hehe...




Capun, an email is on the way to you.

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Well, heres the MiG-15bis Hangar Screen. This plane was part of the F-86 Sabre pack. Work on the screens is going to slow down now due to work tommorrow. Wont get much done during the week. However, I will get these six images zipped and uploaded to Biohaz this week as soon as the website is fixed. I still am planning on doing screens for the B-57 Canberra, the AN-12BP Cub-A, and the MiG-17PFU.



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