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Most realistic plane and ini addons.

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Hi, I'm wondering what addon aircraft as well as addon inis for defualt and addon aircraft are considered the most realistic, I just downloaded the MiG-15 for SF2 today and was happy to find out it was very difficult to fly and felt very legitimate, it has a do not exceed speed, can go into flat spins etc if you're not careful, feels like an old jet fighter should. I know theres also a very well done MiG-17 flight model out there somewhere but thats all I know about.

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The MiG-17s that are inluded in the Charlie's Aces campaign are excelent, but not sure if it works well in SF2. There is also the Dave 's MiG-15 user mod (for MiG-15bis) and my MiG-15 Fagot A, that works well in my SF1 Korean install. I don't know if them fly well in SF2

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