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ojcar last won the day on July 28 2012

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157 Neutral

About ojcar

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    Madrid (Villaverde forever)

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  1. Merry Christmas

    Same for all the people at CombatAce.
  2. Hello?

    Hello! I'm still alive and well, but veeeery busy with real life stuff (I work as a nurse in a Madrid hospital and this year is very "interesting"). I'm very sad to read about your health problems, and very happy to read you are doing well now, my friend.
  3. Armchair aces over Italy

    About the shadow, it's the same setting I found in Peter01's Hansa-Brandenburg FM (basically the same plane with different engine). Maybe he was trying to save some framerate, I don't Know. About the ammo, I really don't know, as I have no info about that. Again it's based in the old Hansa-Brandenburg DI we had. Surely VonS has better data about it.
  4. Well, Armchair Aces over Italy is uploaded and pending Admin approval. 25 brand new campaigns from October 1916 to the war end!. Fly as Italian, Austro-Hungarian, French, British or German pilot! Get it while is hot!
  5. View File Armchair Aces over Italy Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Italian Front in WWI. The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the shockingly beautiful CaporettoV2 map by Gterl. You'll have about 25 mini-campaigns and 250 missions per pilot! The beauty of this approach is that you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Austro-Hungarians did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. This mod is intended for FE2. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_170 to AlbatrosD5 or something like that....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course). So, be ready for a downloading fest. Before installing this mod it's better you have an Italy only install for your FE2 Submitter ojcar Submitted 11/10/2019 Category First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Missions and Campaigns  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Italian Front in WWI. The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the shockingly beautiful CaporettoV2 map by Gterl. You'll have about 25 mini-campaigns and 250 missions per pilot! The beauty of this approach is that you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Austro-Hungarians did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. This mod is intended for FE2. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_170 to AlbatrosD5 or something like that....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course). So, be ready for a downloading fest. Before installing this mod it's better you have an Italy only install for your FE2
  7. The terrain looks just beatiful now. It's the most beautiful First Eagles terrain an the hardest to fly in it!
  8. Well, I think I solved the problem by changing the wwiCaporetto_Data.ini by this one . It changes the [NormalTextureMaterial], [WaterTextureMaterial], [SolidObjectTextureMaterial] and [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] for the ones I have in my Cambrai terrain install wwiCaporetto_data.INI
  9. ??????????? Maybe it's some kind of difference between FE1 an 2.
  10. Yes, I deleted the whole caporetto folder before replace it with the newer version. Some fast screenshots (all in the same mission, before my plane was shot down in its recon mission):
  11. Sorry to say, but no changes for me...
  12. Hello! I want to say the terrain is just beautiful (and very useful for my next project). But I'm having a little problem. It seems that it lacks (some farms, cows...) some object texturing. The problem is only on some tiles, while in other tiles, the same object have texture. Look at the pictures.
  13. SAML S.2 Uploaded

    A much needed plane to fly at the new Caporetto map! Beautiful skins Stephen!

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