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how can I remove the training weapons from the lodout screen? Where ist the ini or something else for this weapon types?




kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich diese (für mich) unnützen Trainingswaffen aus dem Waffenauswahlfenster entfernen kann. habe sie mit dem Waffeneditor nicht gefunden?


Thanx, Danke



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I believe if you use the weapons editor and open the weaponData you can remove the weapons then hit save. But first you will have to use the extractor to get the weapondata.ini fron the objects.cab

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Which weapons pack are you using? If it is Bunyap's then do as Viper6 says. If you have the Community Weapons Pack then just drop in the WeaponData file that does not have INERT in the name.....

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for the answers! :good: I use the Bunyap's.


Greets from East-Berlin


Cheers ghost-mike

Edited by ghost-mike

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