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Still Need Help...

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Hey guys, I still need help with the mission editor. I need to know how to get some timing stuff right. Someone please help me.

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PG, go ahead and post your questions so we can see them... =) I'm sure someone will be glad to help once we see what help you need...

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Well, I'd like to actually talk to someone, but here we go...


the mission I'm working on has the player as an A-10. I want them to relieve another flight of A-10s already flying a patrol, and then have that other flight head home. the way I have it set up now, the second set of A-10s shows up, and both flights continue to fly the patrol. how do I send that first one home when the second gets there?


Also, the second flight (player) will fly patrol for a while, then a Russian boat comes along. I want the player to head out when the boat comes into sight. Is there a way to set this up?

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I think the only way to do so, is to set accordingly your waypoints and time them so if your second flight need 20 min to get into the patrol zone, make your patrol fly arround for 20min and then put a waypoint to the home base.



Hope tht will help ;) :D

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52nd_Cougar is right.

For the second part of your question. If say your flight arrives on patrol at 12:30 and you want them to fly about for 5 mins before the boat shows. Just set the first waypoint for the boat at 12:35.

Edited by Tartan_Piper

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