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Got A Problem...

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I have gotten to the train station at Red Square. When I run up the steps, the game stops and the following error message is displayed...


"insufficient free disk space.


please free at leats 5mb of freespace on game drive."


I first got this error message after I had to redo my harddrive. I tried to save the "save" folder from the COD directory so I wouldnt have to redo the campaign I was on. Well, it didnt work. As soon as I tried to reload my campaign after I had redone the HDD, I'd get this message. I thought, ok, fine! Ill just start allover again. So I deleted the old folder and started a new campaign. It ran fine until now at the red square train station where I get the SAME error message. I still have 7 gig free on my "game drive". Whats this thing talking about? I tried to access the forums for COD but there was little to nothing that looked like my problem there. So thought I would fly my question here to see what happens.

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Weird, I'm not too far past that, been playing pretty much non-stop the past two days. I didn't have a problem at that point, mine was much sooner. In the second American mission when you have to hold the town from the tank assault, the game would freeze on me when I went into the old church to grab the Panzerfausts. I could back into the church and be fine until I turned to look at the crate the damn things were in, then it would lock. I finally got past it by kicking the model detail from high to normal.


As a side note, I have to say the Stalingrad missions are the single most intense gaming experience I've ever had on the PC. Riding the boat over the river, getting my clip but no weapon, the run up the bank. It's a miniscule taste of what they faced in real life, and I have to say I don't think I could have done it. Sure puts things in perspective... :unsure:

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I searched about every COD forum out there for ya PC, and I dont see anyone else reporting that problem. Not much I can say other then to uninstall-reinstall.


I had the same prob as Jeff, and there appears to be some ATI issues that cause that, not sure if he's runing ATI, but there is a Patch that is due out any day and I'll keep everyone informed when it's released.




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9600Pro here Fates, so that explains it. :lol:

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Hmmm, well, I guess Ill wait for the patch then. I sure hate having to go thru the campaign a 4th time if I have to reinstall. <_<


Speaking of campaign, I did what you did Fates and went to a harder setting this last time around, and MAN! its a bear! :blink: You even THINK about sticking your head around a corner and POW! right in the kisser, hehe.


I agree Jeff. When you think about what these men went thru it can bring you to tears. I have the book Enemy at the Gates, the true story of Stalingrad, and words are inadequate to describe that battle. 2 million dead Russians, many killed by thier own commisars. An elite 250,000 man German army that marched into Stalingrad, only 90,000 survive to surrender. And only 5,000 come back home to thier Germany, the last, 10 years after the war was over. And that was only one battle in a horrifc all or nothing war...

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