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"Whatif" missions

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How do I get into and fly "Whatif" missions in OFF3? :crazy:



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How do I get into and fly "Whatif" missions in OFF3? :crazy:




I think moving them to training folder is the easiest way...

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Well.......that is one solution. Thanks,



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The "normal" way of doing it, would be to get in thru the off manager, select the missions option, and when you get to the "active pilot for duty" window, go to where the missions are listed..scroll to the bottom, and select custome missions available,,,only problem is that it hangs for almost everyone doing this.


alternative is ...from the off manager, select multiplayer,,,from the active pilot for duty window scroll to the bottom again, and select the custome missions available again. Next screen give you 2 medals..one multiplayer, one mission. Selecting the mission medal gives you a flyout with three tabs,,,,training,,qc, and something else,,and these give you the contents of the historical, training and what if missions folders...forget what tab gives you what folder...


but,,,it is easier to just put it allll in training...

Edited by sitting_duck

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I tried putting them into the "Trainning" mission, but am only able to fly the first two. The other four would not load.



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I tried putting them into the "Trainning" mission, but am only able to fly the first two. The other four would not load.





Have you tried any od PD's missions in the downlaod section?



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oh, Stump and RAF has some missions there too you should try.


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To continue why the four last missions (Boys of the 60 Campaign) will not load: they require the Zepplin L30 to be able to load and fly. Where can I download the Zepplin?



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here is the zepplin....


there is also another file you need for one of those missions,,,its called the subbase facility,,,,or something like that,,,i used to have it,,but dont anymore....


you can get the zepplin from the link in this post,,or,,you can get madmats installer, which in addtion to the zepplin, gives you the gotha,,all the files you need for seeing searchlites in some nite time bombing missions, and a slew of missions that have been built.

There are a few in there by axgrinder (axs plea,,,axes gauntlet) that wont play due to an aircraft mission...


the link to the installer is here...




click on the download file near the bottom...


or if you just want the zepplin,,,dbl click this link


i do recommend get madmats thou,,,its easier,,and it gives you alot of files you will probably need at some point in time.


after it installs the files, there is an optional download of the 1.30c hardcore damage model. if you already have it, or you prefer the normal damage model,,,just say no...

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Thanks, Sitting Duck. Lotsa good stuff. But mission 3 and 5 of the Boys of the 60 will not still load. Have not figured out why. But is OK, plenty of new missions to fly. Love the Forum help.



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not sure about 6, but it must be 3 that is calling for the sub base facility that is not in your obd install...


i deleted the reference to the facility in the mission....here is the modifidied mission,,,drop it into your training folder and its mission 3A...rename the xml file if you dont want to overwrite the existing mission...but the name of the mission in the game is NOT the name of the file,,its what ever it is called in the mission builder...(iie no matter what you call the file when u save it,,it will still show up in the game as 3A)




will take a look at no 6 too...

Edited by sitting_duck

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6 plays fine for me....what does it do on your end??


going to assume you got the zepplin, and extracted to your aircraft directory...

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Thanks some more.



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Hello Duck


The folks at SimsOutHouse (SOH) have finally repaired the download links on the Add-ons > Library > CFS3 Missions & Campaigns (Over Flanders Fields) pages. I have grabbed all missions that Pilotsden, British_Eh, Sp1t2, EuroFinn, WildFowler, and O-1Driver have posted for Phase 1 thru Phase 3. I hope I have not left somebody's name out of the list, sorry. I realize the you and Stumpjumper and RAF_Lou are heavily involved in building Multiplayer missions but I could not find any of your work at SOH.


I am discovering as I unpack the compressed files that some of the missions have Vehicles, Buildings, Facilities, or Aircraft Addons zipped up and attached with some of the several missions. I am wondering if these addons are public domain and could they be used to build new missions. My impression is that we need permissions from the original designers to do that. Couldn't these Addons be used as a starter set for an Addons Library in a Missions/Campaigns Section Sticky? I have already grabbed the ZeppelinL30 and the Gotha bomber and Searchlights and flown the MP missions you and others have built. I have tested them in SP mode. Absolutely outstanding experiences! I also just found your post with the Port_Sub_Base facility addon so I now will be able to fly the rest of PD's Boys of 60 Squad missions.


The Missions part of OFF is really drawing me in!!!



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as i understand it, if there is no readme with the addon specifying how the file may be distributed, then you have to find out who made it, and get their permission before it can be available for public downloading..


But, (as in the case of the port sub base facility), alot of these files can be found in your cfs3 intallation. They just didnt get carried over from bhah...


if you open a mission that you got in the old soh site in mission builder, and find reference to something that is not in bhah, first thing i would do is look inside your cfs3 directory to see if its in there,,,,


if you should happen to get any of the old off2 missions to run in off3, and find any that you feel are really good, let us know, as we are always looking for new missions to play in multiplayer.

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Hey Duck


I did not realize that we could move the CFS3 stuff over to OFF so easily. That is an excellent suggestion. I have to check that out. Do you suppose that I can find the seagoing vessels to make the SOH Channel Missions work in the default folders of CFS3 - like freighters, E-Boats, U-Boats, Cruisers, Destroyers, etc? It would be outstanding if we could build a mission to launch Camels from the deck of a British Aircraft Carrier to attack the Zeppelin sheds.



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OIPaint01......................I downloaded and installed a bunch of the missions from the mission builder names that you listed, but regretfully all locked up OFF3 and refused to play. Was looking forward to flying them. Thanks for the effort.



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Hey Duck


I did not realize that we could move the CFS3 stuff over to OFF so easily. That is an excellent suggestion. I have to check that out. Do you suppose that I can find the seagoing vessels to make the SOH Channel Missions work in the default folders of CFS3 - like freighters, E-Boats, U-Boats, Cruisers, Destroyers, etc? It would be outstanding if we could build a mission to launch Camels from the deck of a British Aircraft Carrier to attack the Zeppelin sheds.





Get on stumps butt about that one,,,,he was in the process of a ww1 carrier,,,not sure how far he got with it..


and,,not sure if everything from cfs3 will play in off3 or not....

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Hey BB


The missions on SOH Library will not play at all when shaken "Out of the Box". I believe that a little editing in a text editor is required. RAF_Lou and Duck both have said the the aircraft naming conventions have changed from the Phase2/CFS3 to the naming conventions in OFF:Phase3. I am in the process of teaching myself how to convert the old missions to OFF Phase3 format right now.



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Just did a mission that saburo built with a stock off3 cruiser in it,,,,


was doing a straffing pass,,,,and i noticed the 16inch guns,,,,seemed a little out of character for ww1,,,


did another pass,,,and noticed the 2 huge radar towers,,,,


so far to say,,some of what is in off3 was pulled from cfs3....just gotta take a look at what you are putting in there....

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Hello All


There have got to be CFS3 sites that have published Seagoing War Vessels that could be adapted to OFF:Phase3. I found a link on Regs Hangar Website that points to Ground Crew Design Group's Official Website with Naval vessels for download. Weren't the Dreadnought Class of Battle Wagon around for WWI? Definitely the four stacker destroyers were brand new for WWI. Has anyone tryed to mod the already published Fighting Ships to remove the WWII equipment upgrades that were applied in shipyards between the Wars - like Radar antennas and such? We also need a good Tramp Freighter for crossing the Channel with war materials.



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Guest British_eh

Hi there.


When I downloaded additional add-ons for my Missions, from CFS3 add-ons or Reg's Hanger, credit was always noted, if required. After some research the Toprpedo Boats used in one of my Missions were very early WWII, and therefore I deemed good eniough for WWI, but no actual comparison to the early WWI boats was made. There is also an Aircraft Carrier, renamed "Eagle" that Captain Winters repainted from the original file.


Perhaps somewhere ( Mission builiding Forum), we can add more info.


I would like to create some more Missions, but haven't done so yet with P3. Is there additional knowledge/ files, etc required? Stumper would know I surmise. I have tried to contact PD, but have yet to hear back from him. I believe he was having some issues with "Trains", and who knows what else.


I have the Aircraft Carrier, and will look to include it in a SP Mission.





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Looking forward to finding out how to make flyable in phase 3.



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