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CTD problem with SF2

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Ive installed some of Wolfs and AD's Japanese aircraft to an install of SF2 trying to make a PAW setup. For the most part things are going pretty good. Ya know, this is kinda fun. Reminds me of my childhood modeling, lol. But Ive run into another problem that I hope someone can help me figure out. Two aircraft in particular are causing CTDs when I try to select them and create a single mission. They appear in the drop down menu for selection but as soon as I try to go to the hangar, CTD. I have looked thru the various inis for both aircraft till my eyes are bloodshot and cant seem to find a reason for this. I'd really like to get these planes flying as they are badly needed Japanese bombers. They are Wolfs KI-21 Sally and KI-57 transport. I suspect since both are essentially the same aircraft, Wolf may have used a lot of the same things like LOD, etc for both. So what afflicts one also causes a problem with the other.


PS. Well added some of the DATs Japanese aircraft. One works fine but the Ki-45a and Ki-48 are CTDing also. I added Wrenchs ini update for the Ki-48 hoping that would help but unfortunately hasnt. So maybe it isnt an ini issue. Any ideas? Im at a loss...

Edited by pcpilot

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Dang...after all that ini crap I went thru, I found this little tidbit in the KB...http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12147. They are all with no exceptions, working now...Thanks Dave.


You can all stand down, this was only a drill. I repeat, this was only a drill...



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Normally, there'd be an error message associated with the CTD; you know, that little M$ box that pops up with "Such and Such has experienced a problem and needs to close. Click here (with a hyperlink) to see what this message contains."


It'll be something like "aircraftformation.dll" or "aircraftobject.dll" or something like that.


Basically, all the ww2 terrains, that have not gone through one of my upgrades will have this, as all the airbases are set WRONG. The Number of squadrons on Runway3 should be 1 max, not the 4 or more usually used. That's one of the reasons that I've been rebuilding them ... adding several runway1, 5 or 6 to for each side.


Also, the ww2 formations ini has several faults, in particular for Imperial Japan, that will overcrowd the SMALL (Runway3) airbaes. I've addressed this not only by the terrain rebuilds, but in the readmes for the terrains, with an amended for Imperial Japan


I quote:



There IS a possiblity of you still having the 'aircraftformation.dll' CTD. I'm pretty sure it goes back to the WW2 formations mod. If anyone know how to put an uppper limit on the size, keeping it at 18 aircraft MAX, do let me know! Otherwise, I'd even considerd editing the WW2 nations ini and changing the IJAAF/IJN to use 'Soviet' formations - which we all know is wrong! They used a 3-plane flight for most of the war. This, I belive, is the major cause of the CTD -- we get verrrry strange numbers; 27, 31, 13, 17...odd things.


To that end, I adjusted the nations ini, and made it so "Imperial Japan" matches what's stated in the ww2 nations ini. I haven't noticed much difference....

Personally, due to all the cursed CTDs with the formations, I'm about to swap the Imperial Japan to Soviet...really pissing me off!!!



For those wishing to experiment with the fix I have, albeit NOT historical; this WILL stop the aircraftformation.dll CTD.


Backup you WW2 modified nations ini. Do this by opening it and 'save as', and rename to "ori-nations.ini" and


In the Nations ini, for the Japanese Empire use this:



Name=Japanese Empire

DisplayName=Imperial Japanese Air Force























This will allow the use of Luftwaffe-style 2 and 4 plane elements for the fighters. During testing, I experienced NO problems with the aforementioned CTD. Your milage may vary.


You should also find that in my upgrades for a lot of the IJAAF/IJN, the MinAirbaseSize= should already be fixed



kevin stein


ps: don't forget on ALL aircraft moved up to SF2, and even the 08 patch for Classic Series, check the steering angles on the the tail or nose gears!!! They must be positive numbers!! And even then, you'll get "odd things" happening.

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