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Mr. Lucky

Shot down 2, but no witnesses, I'll take it.

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A bitter sweet moment. Back in my trusty Alb DII for J34, flying airfield defense in the snow.

Circling the target airfield, ordering my wingmen to return, as usual, while looking behind me, I see the tell-tale flash of silver. I immediatley signal 'attack' and whip around to engage. It turned out they were two miles away, so I'm surprised I actually saw them, but it quickly ended up three N17's against only me. The fight ended up within about 1/2 mile of the airfield anf about the same distance from an obs. balloon. I kept turning and firing, never letting up and the AA gunners were trying to help me out. Being so busy, I never actually saw any go in, but after a while I found myself alone. I stayed in the area for a bit just in case, then headed home. No claims to file, so I figured, that while I did get some hits, maybe the AA finished them off or they ran off. When I reviewed the mission, it turned out I did shoot down two of them. The third, was simply destroyed, probably by AA. No squadmates witnessed my kills as they were all done in before I avenged them.


So, no witnesses so I didn't get to even try to claim those kills. Even though I was between an airfield and balloon. Well, with visibility so bad, the AA fire, it was probably unclear as to who killed whom. But for me, it's not about the kills. I'm glad to have tangled with three of them, gotten two and lived to tell the tale, not to mention fulfilling my orders of protecting the airfield, and even the balloon survived. I guess the wingmen "wouldn't obey my signals. Too keen." This is about as close to WWI flying and fighting as I can imagine.


"Next time, you must have witnesses."

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Mr.Lucky, what you can try next time:

1. when you see the enemy two miles behind you, press "R" (Return) to collect your wings closer;

then climb away from the enemy, until they get within 1 mile.

2. Then turn round, mark the highest (mostly the rear) enemy flyer, and press "A" (attack).

Now your wings will climb to get him, whilst you should try to protect them, if any possible.

Your direct wingman no. 1 will stay with you, so you should press "H" (Help), if someone gets at

your tail.

But I had that numerous times: no witnesses left - no kills. That's war.

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Mr.Lucky, what you can try next time:

1. when you see the enemy two miles behind you, press "R" (Return) to collect your wings closer;

then climb away from the enemy, until they get within 1 mile.

2. Then turn round, mark the highest (mostly the rear) enemy flyer, and press "A" (attack).

Now your wings will climb to get him, whilst you should try to protect them, if any possible.

Your direct wingman no. 1 will stay with you, so you should press "H" (Help), if someone gets at

your tail.

But I had that numerous times: no witnesses left - no kills. That's war.


I'd also recommend selecting the 'Tightest' option for friendly formation in workshop. This keeps your wingmen closer anyway and reduces the time for 'R' to yield results.


Of course, you must remember to set it back to default if your pilot survives longer than 17.5 hours, or Winder's 'Sod's Law' algorithm (which is extremely efficient) will use that setting to precipitate a mid-air collision with one of your wingies. :biggrin:

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:rofl: Good one, Dej! Don't let Winder hear that; it would only set him up too much.

How close do they come, when it's on "tightest" - I wouldn't like to have them sitting on my knees?

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So, no witnesses so I didn't get to even try to claim those kills.


When I am alone (no flying witnesses) but near an airfield or obs balloon as you said, I try putting some two-word phrase into the witness box, like "observation balloon", "ground troops", or "airfield personnel", based on a posting long ago by Winder that it was not necessary to put exact AI flier's names in, just put 'something' in the witness box.


I seldom live long enough to get confirmation so not sure if this really works, but worth a try...better than just giving up the claim.

Edited by 77Scout

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:rofl: Good one, Dej! Don't let Winder hear that; it would only set him up too much.

How close do they come, when it's on "tightest" - I wouldn't like to have them sitting on my knees?


Close enough for a good group photo :grin: As long as you're leading you're in no danger... unless you execute an irresponsibly tight turn, of course. After all, they're only non-human.

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