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Winston DoRight

The first Fortiesboy 1.2 DM that was uploaded

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If you were quick to download the original Fortiesboy damage model 1.2 like I was, be aware that this one will not let you connect in MP. The first file uploaded was the one with another .rar file inside in addition to the aircraft folders.


If you've downloaded this, delete it from your harddrive and download and install the file again. Please get on Teamspeak before Sunday to test your installation.

Edited by Winston DoRight

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If you were quick to download the original Fortiesboy damage model 1.2 like I was, be aware that this one will not let you connect in MP. The first file uploaded was the one with another .rar file inside in addition to the aircraft folders.


If you've downloaded this, delete it from your harddrive and download and install the file again. Please get on Teamspeak before Sunday to test your installation.


Then the bad one should be deleted off the server..This is getting really confusing!




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Then the bad one should be deleted off the server..This is getting really confusing!




Yes, the first one has been deleted. The only one available now is the one you want. If you have already downloaded the first version, the one with the extra .rar file inside, get rid of it and download again.

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