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Now I know first hand the frustration people feel when they can't get off to work! Normally I don't have this much trouble but I tried putting OFF on my son's computer and I can't get it to work correctly. On top of that I had to do a reinstall on my computer and now my game is broke! I have worked for two nights for way to many hours on this! Hopefully Duck (if he has the time) will help me out tonight or Saturday so I can get the game back up in time for Sunday!


How about it Duck do you have time to help me out?

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I'll try to be there at 8pm

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here is the pic of the 17 mirror






and,,this is one of my favorites.......notice the lack of upper wing....




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what setting do I need to make the mirrors useable? All I ever get is a frosted disc that lightens and darkens.

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what setting do I need to make the mirrors useable? All I ever get is a frosted disc that lightens and darkens.


lol..to be honest...i have NO idea....


I do belive thats what i used to get all the time to,,,but,,,the only time i fly a 17 is when we do campaign,,and seems like most of the campaigns have been in cloudy weather,, so didn think much about the lack of reflection in the mirror.


Now that pic was taken in a mission im working on,,,and its sunrise,,,so,,maybe that has something to do with it...


And only other thing i can thing of, is that my good video card went south. I had to put an another one in, (no where good as my other one) and the only settings that would work on it are the ones that homeboy/rabu came up with. Maybe it one of those quirky settings they use....


If you want to try the 17's in the mission i used,,,and see if you get them we can run it quick after sundays session.

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well,,its got nothing to do with the weather,,or sun,,,,,flew a 17 in all sorts of different stuff,,,and the mirror always works...


but,,it seems to be getting the reflection from a file,,,and not from whatever i am seeing,,,in this cloudy day you will notice the reflection is showing bright blue skies, with puffy cumy's




bout the only setting i can think of that might be effecting this is my not having "disable Movie UI" checked...


damn,,my new video card comes monday,,,ill be pissed if i loose my mirror.....

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Wow Duck! I definately don't see that! there must be a key command, something you check or a file that you need to turn that on or off.

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Wow Duck! I definately don't see that! there must be a key command, something you check or a file that you need to turn that on or off.


It's definately not Movie UI as mines not disabled and I don't get that.


Does anybody know what enables it? All I get is a gray overlay on my mirror.


Vasco :pilotfly:

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I just said this on another section of the forum, but.... I have always had those "reflections" (I think the Pfalz has a mirror also) and even get reflections off of the instrument glass faces on some planes (cant remember which ones).


I think it is a vid card thing. I have only used Nvidia cards with OFF, have had a 7600, an 8800GTS (320 mem or sumpin) and now an 8800GT (512). I use dual core processors, this one is only 3 gig and have more ram than the XP Pro 32 with SP3 can use. My settings on the card right now are maxed out 16x 16Q and run in the teens usually on the runway depending on plane type but from 35 to 60 normal flying and dogfights depending on how close I am to the ground. CFS config settings are 5 5 3 4 5 4.



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