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holy moly!

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That's getting your point across with style!

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So, lets count the many different ways this was a dumbass stunt.


Lets hope this was the last flight this guy had because he was about to die of a horrible disease.


All it takes is ONE person to note the tail number, date and time, and that's it.


Let me be clear, the punishment for this incident STARTS at getting your pilot license pulled and it goes rapidly downhill from there.



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Alaskan Bush Pilots. Idiots.


not long for this world either with that kind of headwork.


reminds me of an incident a few years (well, more than a few....) when an S-3 went flat-hatting through the mountains. right through the ski resorts. close enough that an AIRPAC staff officer could read the bureau number..........

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Also, for those who may think this is cool...


Realize something...the folks on the road aren't part of this stunt...they're merely your average joes going about their business when an aircraft at their altitude either goes right by, or appears to be coming head on. Think about the average driver's reaction to this if they get surprised, and cause an accident, or God forbid, someone gets hurt.


You can't answer the mail if that happens.


I have no problem with going low and fast, been there, done that...hell, done it in the middle of the night at 400 feet in the mountains at near sonic speeds. But, it's planned out, I've been trained for it, and most importantly, I don't deliberately endanger others.


Or think about this in one other way...do you want this guy to be flying you around? It isn't about ability, it's about good judgment...which this guy was seriously lacking.



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Isn't there a minimum altitude one has to hold when flying over infrastructure? Besides I bet the pilot didn't insert that stunt into his flight plan - one does have to file a flight plan, even the little civvie birds, right?

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