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KLU Hunter F.4 Indonesia

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KLU Hunter F.4 Indonesia



322 Sq. in Indonesian service dress (only few planes painted this way)


This mod is dedicated to my friend “Ceccusfrom Pctrio.com (take a look please http://www.pctrio.com/ ) who recovered all my data, when my Pc crashed.




Derk for his effort, help, reference and much more … our man in Netherland.


What’s In:

- a new skin;

- every number for erery F.4 Hunter built;


To Install:


1. Put included “Objects” folder in your mai mod SF-2 folder.



That’s all.


Paul :rofl:


Edited by paulopanz

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Hi, might I add a small correction?


The tail on these few Hunters sported the New Guinea colours,and the Dutch effort was the help of New Guinea in its recentindependence and the struggle to NOT become part of Indonesia.

Therefore, being calle "Indonesian" places the Hunters on thewrong end of the line.


Thanks for the nice skins!


Remember: It ain't much, if it ain't Dutch!






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An uncle of mine was a district commissioner ("resident" in Dutch) at Manokwari during the conflict.

The UN, with support of the Americans, forced the Dutch out and the Papua inhabitants had the choice between independence and becoming a part of Indonesia. the referendum being held after the Indonesians (then under Sukarno) had moved in.... The results were hardly surprising.........

Before that, one of the members 0f 322 Squadron had designed and applied the Papua flag on the tail of his Hunter as a morale booster for the locals to give them the feeling of being protected and stimulating their positive attitude towars independence. It is understood that they loudly cheered during fly-by's.

The flag had to be removed after a very short period in order not to "provocate" the Indonesians, the showing of the flag being too politically sensitive (the typical Dutch attitude of extreme political correctness).

During the conflict the Hunters only flew patrols and never intercepted any Indonesian aircraft, always being too far away, radar coverage being done by R.Neth.Navy destroyers.

The AURI used C 130's and Dakota's for paradropping. A B25 (ex Dutch) was shot down with gunfire by a Navy Neptune (they used a gun equiped nose and were called "Nepfighters) ) and the rescued pilot turned out to be an old mate of the Dutch pilot, having been in the same training course after WW II and the independence of Indonesia. The story was that it was quite an happy reunion with beers etc.


Hou doe,



Edited by Derk

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Hi, might I add a small correction?

The tail on these few Hunters sported the New Guinea colours,and the Dutch effort was the help of New Guinea in its recentindependence and the struggle to NOT become part of Indonesia.

Therefore, being calle "Indonesian" places the Hunters on thewrong end of the line.

Thanks for the nice skins!

Remember: It ain't much, if it ain't Dutch!



You are welcome!

I'm happy You liked the skin.The plane is Dutch.

Indonesia was the theatre of operations, but everyone could rename the skin as he pleases.

I did know how to call it.

If You have a good name I'll update.


Paul :grin:

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