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Northrop T-38A Talon for SF1/WO v1.1

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Northrop T-38A Talon for SF1/WO v1.1

A beautiful T-38A for use with SF1/WO. This was reverse-engineered from FASTCARGO's SF2 files for the T-38A.....therefore he gets the majority of the credit here. Included is a new skin for an early High Viz scheme T-38A and the files to sling a travel pod under your "White Rocket".....to hide the beer of course!! Skins include :


3560th Pilot Training Wing-mid 1960's based at Webb AFB, TX. An early high-viz scheme with buzz numbers!!

87th Flying Training Squadron - mid-90s 'white' scheme after AETC was created. Based at Laughlin AFB, TX.

71st Flying Training Squadron - old 'white' scheme used in ATC until 1992. Based at Moody AFB, GA.

9th Bomb Squadron - Companion Trainer Aircraft used until the mid-90s. Based at Dyess AFB, TX.

1st Reconnaissance Squadron - Companion Trainer Aircraft still used by U-2 pilot. Based at Beale AFB, CA


Animations include an opening and closing canopy for both student and instructor


Aircraft navigation and landing lights work for night operations


You can fly from both seats by a minor edit of the files (front and rear data and cockpit ini's included)


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