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Made a Radar Mission using Keith Bedfords Mission editor, it nothing fancy, but will help those that seem to have problems getting radar lock on a target.


Mission, You start out in a F-4e 15 miles behind 4 Mig 21s, your waypoints along with the migs are the same, so you can use autopilot if you run into trouble.

Refer to the manual or the Radar Tutorial here at this site for Radar modes, ranges, and key commands.

Then Migs will not engage you as long as you dont fly infront of them :)


This is basically for Sparrows but if you close in on your target you can launch your sidewinders


You can also go into the loadout section to change your plane, and loadout.


Install: DL the small 2KB file and place it into your SF/Missions folder, if ya dont have a mission folder create one in your Main SF directory.

Once installed start SF and select single mission on the left side select LOAD MISSION, then accept.




Get file here:


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If some are having a problem with the dl, right click on the link above and select "save target as" then just tell it where.


Also I have made a new mission that has AAA working its pretty hairy but if ya wanna try it to see how the AAA works here it is




Use the same method to dl and install as with the radar mission


Little intel on the mission, you start in air in a F-4E with a wingman, he wont engage,but makes a nice decoy :)

Theres 40 targets ranging from the ZPU-2 short range AAA, ZSU-23 medium range AAA to the ZSU-57 long range AAA, there is also 3 SA-2 launchers but they wont fire.


IF ya get smoked the first time dont worry just hit esc and then refly and try again, also you can change the aircraft and loadouts, this will also allow you to see how the ARM and Shrike missiles work on live targets.



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Its BETA so beware that some functions are not working correctly.


It includes a Readme.html file, this also is just basic info but the DL also includes a mission made by TK that will give an idea what a mission would look like.

Note: dont try and add ground targets, theres a bug in this version that will overwrite the player aircraft.

Adding ground units can be done manually though using notepad.




I have also found out how to Start your missions on the ground from any of the Allied airbases.


See the post here





Disclaimer; I have no ties to TW or SF, using the ME is entirely your risk, so dont yell at me :!:

Making missions can be addicting, Im not responsable for loss of love life or social life.

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