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Guest Eject

A Call to Dave

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Guest Eject

Mr Cool guy (Really Dave, you are -- and everyone should emulate; me too.) Dave, as a new member, who has only free DL and UL (Up-Load), I have used up my free, 3MB Global Quota.


Once the limit had been used up, is it not renewable Dave?


There are some more really important screen-shots I took that I consider important to report, I repeat, to report to especially the Mods guru Wrench on some issues related to SEA TileSet in Israel2, Formosa, Kashmir and perhaps also Taiwan. When viewed from long distance/far away, the SEAS in said terrains look strange, I do not know how describe them in correct, proper English. Simmering, perhaps, i.e., with JAGGED lines that they look mor like very large paddy fields. He, Wrench, ought to see them.


Last time when he and I and someone else chatted the strangeness over, my screen shot was there for him to see at the time, he was wondering if that issue was due to my ATI Graphic card. I replied ASAP, it could not be, since the SEAs in my other Terrains do not exhibit such strangeness. He then came back with useful info for me.


Further, the SEAs on my TIMOR, DARWIN Modern, GermanyCE look really great, lively chiefly the one around Timor, and in Darwin Modern. And when I scanned the "inside" of those two Terrains, I saw no SEA files? Is it thanks to specific, yet hidden CAT file on them (Timor and Darwin Modern).


Lastly, before the IsraelME (and Israel1?) was upgraded by me to Israel2, the SEA in it lookes normal (Still, the one around Timor looks much mush better that U was tempted to bail out from my jet, and plunge towards it to swin and dive, Dave! Looks real good)


Same issue had been first raised to Wrench re the simmering sea (from afar) of the Libya Terrain. It remains so, large jagged squares all over. So are NOW the seas in Israel2, Formosa, Taiwan, and Kashmir.


Thank u Dave. The above is not out of context with the main topic, Global Quota, raised here by me. The only reason for me to spell out the SEA issues was, because I can nomore Up Load screen shots (of the issue) to this great site. Have a nice weekend Dave :bye::salute:


Regard to Dave, Fubar and all.

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The more you post then your status upgrades then the more you can download. If you becoming a paying member then the cap is lifted.

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Guest Eject

The more you post then your status upgrades then the more you can download. If you becoming a paying member then the cap is lifted.


Thanks a million Dave Mr. Cool Guy. I shall consider becoming member, perhaps first with the minimum payment, use my best friend's gamer credit card, not mine for use on the ground here in Jakarta and elsewhere. Hopefully, you will have a new member, say, in three months from now. I shall recommend this site to a couple of my friends and co-worker. It wonders me why they and the adult kids enjoy more games like US Army (?) and such similar boom boom boom games, that depicts lots of killing with blood all over...I do not know really why. I have quit killing., really killing in the small game years ago. Even when I was in the sr.hi-school, lots of my contemporers where we lived, they watched me killed two really big snakes, male and female, when they, uhm excuse me, were making love on a bambbo trees! Sadistic me! I exhausted more than 5o .177 cal. pellets using my DIANA 50 of early 1970 belonged to my uncle. Why I like most this sims, because there are no blood spilled.


A personal question Dave, how many children do you have? Do they go to college or married yet? PM me please if you do not mind. And have a nice terror-free week-end. Good Terrorists Are the Dead Ones!

Edited by Eject

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I hate snakes and spiders. So you will get no argument from me if you kill a few more. Snakes used to not bother me until a friend played a joke on me not to long ago. Not fun.

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Guest Eject

:bye:Ehm, yes Gwar, he's really really cool. Never met him on the ground, yet, I believe this gentleman also is a soft-spoken guy, reminds me of my long lost professor Doctor, uhm, forgot his name in North America.....it's been hard for me to keep my head cool v. the corrupt, and terrocratic cops here in our country. C ya all later..:salute:

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