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Well, Im Back From Washington

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The twitch in my eye after chaparoning 99 kids for 6 days isnt as bad as I thought it would be. We had a grand time. Stopped in Philly first and spent a day there looking at independance hall and the liberty Bell. Then spent a day at Gettysburg. Our guide reminded us that leadership was then, and still is, by example. And that after undergoing the horrors of war, all a soldier really wanted was to know it wasnt all in vain and to be remembered by those he served. His speech choked me up...hope the kids didnt notice.


Then spent 4 days at our Nations' capital. It was a...well, "CAPITAL" place! :rolleyes: sorry...


Saw the Capital buildings, congress, etc. The Smithsonian, naturally headed straight to the Air and Space Museum. Saw all the memorials including the Iwo Jima and Vietnam memorials. Visited Arlington and watched the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknowns, laid a wreath at the civil war unknowns, paid my respects at kennedys grave and the memorial to the Challenger. Went on an all evening dinner cruise up the Potomac that played music WAY too loud, (my twitch was at its worst here...), and worried about kids falling in the river all evening.


I left there feeling a little more pride in my country and impressed with our sense of history and spirit and destiny. Best trip Ive ever taken.


There were guards everywhere here, including the guy mowing the lawn behind me to my left.



Kids group shot at the Civil war unknowns tomb...



P-80 Shooting Star at ASM, (we need one in SFP1)


Edited by pcpilot

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That's not a P-80 Shooting Star, it's a Bell XP-80. The experimental aircraft did not make it into production, but was the first US Jet aircraft.


Sounds like you had a great trip. The Smithsonian is AWESOME!



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I was in D.C. a while back, about a month before 9-11 actually. Saw everything except for going into the White House.


That commie ICBM (back and to the right of the Bell) looks awe inspiring from ground level.


No pics of the Navy Memorial??? Kinda weird how its just on a corner, with no fan fair...no grass, just a bronze sailor and his sea bag.


I agree with Skater about the Smithsonian... however, I always thought a T-Rex would be bigger :blink: .


PC, you is one crazy mofo for going with 99 kids.

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That's not a P-80 Shooting Star, it's a Bell XP-80. The experimental aircraft did not make it into production, but was the first US Jet aircraft


Not P-80, but a Bell P-59 Airacomet. It was the first operational jet fighter for the U.S. Never saw combat though. In the forground is an X-15.


Nice to see that you survived your trip PC. Hopefully your kids learned a thing or two about duty and sacrafice.

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