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We all know that your guys aren't the brightest when you set things for hard. But is there a way to tweak a wingman so that he doesn't go absolutly brain dead when a radar is looking at him?


I've had a few times where wingman seemingly fought every order to rejoin and tried to go on their merry way. Every time all you hear is "Spike" and it's pretty much guaranteed that for the most part, your mission just got shot to hell since wingie will never really respond to your orders to rejoin for the rest of the flight as long as you are in a threat area with radars.


Anyone else have that experience and what did you do?

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Are you using first or second gen sims? I noticed in the second gen sims that my wingies shout 'spike' then manouver to break the lock and then rejoin the formation.



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Lt. James Cater:


This behavior appears to have been introduced with the Sep./Oct. 2008 patches. I don't see this behavior at all in WoV Aug. 2006, yet do see it with Oct. 2008 and the Gen 2 sims.


You probably noticed it more after applying the Expansion Pack because that mod adds more NV radars to the terrain -- thus more opportunities for wingies to freak after being painted.


Eric Howes

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Thanks for the info.


Guess i'll take radars into account now also when i plan a mission.



Would it help to have one of your number loaded with ECM pods (if available)? (sorry if it's a stupid question blush2.gif )

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As I said earlier the 2nd gen sims seem to be ok with me. My wingman break and manouver to lose the lock but they usually rejoin automatically...


Maybe it has something to do with the type of aircraft, skills of the wingman, type of ordnance on the aircraft etc?



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Would it help to have one of your number loaded with ECM pods (if available)? (sorry if it's a stupid question blush2.gif )


No ECM available for a A1 Skyraider circa 1966.

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No ECM available for a A1 Skyraider circa 1966.





Maybe hack it as though you pulled some strings on the sly with some other crews or something? lol

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