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Dutch Liberation Day

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Today the 5th May we celebrate the end of WW2 for the Netherlands. Last night at 20:00 we kept two minutes silence for they the fallen in that war and wars after WW2.

The war in the rest of the world was still going on.




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I have a book put out by Time-Life about the resistance in WW2 and the Dutch are VERY prominately discussed. They were the first to start active resistance upon the invasion by Germany. At first, the resistance was small, little things like citizens deliberately directing Germans to train stations or other destinations miles out of their way., or busdrivers would pass stops where germans wanted off. Citizens in Amsterdam left cafes when Germans entered or refused to patronize shops that said German spoken here. One daring Dutchman paraded thru the streets of Amsterdam naked to protest german clothes rationing, hehe.


One Dutchman was so enraged when his national flag was taken down from in front of his restaraunt and replaced by the swastika, that he removed the entire flagpole, German flag and all! The Germans setup a new flagpole, whereupon the innkeeper setup his flagpole again, this time with an enormous new national flag on it. Then he triumphantly told the German sentry, "Now you can guard this one too!"


Thousands of Allied troops and airmen were saved by the Dutch underground, returned to England, and went back again to fight the Germans. 1000's further Jews owed their lifes to the Dutch underground. The Dutch underground paved the way for the allied return in 1944 with numerous attacks against the Germans, spying, and intelligence.


I think Ill drink a toast tonite to the Dutch, our allies, and their liberation day... ;)

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You should do what we do on independence day, BLOW SH*T UP!

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